Odoo Experience 2018
Manage Your Business Club with MyOdoo Networker
Location: Bruyères - 10/5/18, 11:10 AM - 10/5/18, 11:30 AM (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutes)
Manage Your Business Club with MyOdoo Networker
Sébastien Dieu
Sales & Marketing Manager at BHC
Sébastien Dieu
Sales & Marketing Manager at BHC

Sébastien Dieu, Sales and Marketing Manager, BHC OR One of our customer, using this solution.

Whether you're from a business club or any other company or association managing members and events, this talk is for you! We will show you an all-in-one "out-of-the-box" solution to manage your business club, and with an attractive mobile app to provide to your club members.

We will show you how to manage all the necessary activities in only one tool, Odoo, and how to generate different links and relationships between club members using an integrated mobile app. This will include a presentation, with a demo and a business case.

The version and edition covered: Odoo 11 (both Enterprise and community)