½ day 3 days
Exhibition HallDemo Booths
Booths / Stand
€ 490
- ½ day
- 4 m2
- 46' display screen
- 1 Showcase
- 1 Slot
- Slots in Agenda
Online + Printed
-- -
€ 1,950
- 3 days
- 4 m2
- 46' display screen
- Great Visibility
- 5 Slots
- Slots in Agenda
Online + Printed - Your logo on
our communication materials - -
Custom Branding
€ 5,000
- 3 days
- 18 m2
- Custom Equipment
- Max Brand Visibility
- 5 slots + VIP Sponsor
- Slots in Agenda
Online + Printed - Your logo on
our communication materials - VIP Location
Demo Booths
½ day = 1 presentation
Ready-to-use booth to showcase your expertise in a specific domain:
- Apps / Modules / Features
- Customer Success Stories
- Methodology / Associations
No material to bring
High visibility
in the Agenda
Large TV Screen
for Demos
Low Investment
High return
Get your own Slot
Showcase any topic you want.
One of the innovations we make for this edition is to completely change the exhibition hall concept.
This year, the exhibition hall isn’t just about visibility but also expertise.
The classic 3-days booths will be replaced by half-day Demo Booth and VIP stands.
Flexible Schedule, Fit Everyone's Budget
You can book from ½ day to 3 days.
Stands are sold per ½ day through the whole event.
Wednesday, 4th
2 slots available / booth
10am 2pm
2pm 6pm
Thursday, 5th
2 slots available / booth
10am 2pm
2pm 6pm
Friday, 6th
1 slot available / booth
9am 2pm