Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersDone
What's new in HR?
MahendraSinh & Ankit ChauhanDone
Knowledge base
Vipin JindalDone
Learning made easy with odoo
Chirag KanabarDone
Recruitment: the perfect experience
Priyanshi Soni (prso)Done
Time-Off Management
Prashant MalavaniyaDone
Streamlining Processes: Simplify, Automate, and Sign with Odoo Sign
Ritika Saxena (risa)Done
Odoo Delivery Boy App
Vivek SinghDone
Manage attendance with RFID & Barcode
Sumanth GajulaDone
Helpdesk : After sales services
Kiran Borhade (kibo)Done
Indian Payroll
Location: Convention Hall 3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir
8/24/24, 3:00 PM
8/24/24, 3:30 PM
(30 minutes)
Govind T D
Implementation Conusltant
Govind T D
Implementation Conusltant
Govind is a seasoned implementation consultant at Odoo, with a wealth of experience that dates back to Odoo version 14. Since joining the company in 2022, Govind has played a pivotal role in delivering successful Odoo implementations across a wide range of industries. His career, which began in other Odoo partner companies, is marked by a track record of excellence, having contributed to several prestigious projects for his employers.