Odoo Experience 2019
Odoo Expenses: a Payroll Integration
Ubicación: Martin's / Vitality - 4/10/19 11:10 - 4/10/19 11:30 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutos)
Odoo Expenses: a Payroll Integration
Nicolas Bassine, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo
Nicolas Bassine, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo

In v13, Odoo brings about new features with the Payroll app. The integration goes a step further with the Expense app.
Starting from this new version, users will be able to expense items and directly request them to be reimbursed on their payslip.
The purpose of this talk is to show the new possibilities and features of this process.
From your computer, or mobile phone, we'll have a look at the main configuration to successfully use the expense app.