Odoo Experience 2018
Developers on Demand
Ubicación: Hocaille - 4/10/18 11:00 - 4/10/18 11:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutos)
Developers on Demand
Mantavya Gajjar, Director - Odoo India
Mantavya Gajjar, Director - Odoo India

This talk targets partners with projects on hand and are looking for developers on demand. 

We have proven the offshore methodology to be successful for any project development, as long as it's combined with the right project management. Our seasoned Odoo developers are readily available to work with you to deliver top development quality!

Every single commit goes through our automated test platform to ensure the code quality and optimization. With our proven project management methodology (the very same we use internally for our R&D teams at Odoo) we ensure on-time project delivery.

Join us for more information about what our service offers and how it works:

  • What’s included in the offer   

  • How does it work? - Methodology, Tools & Platform

  • What we expect from you?

  • What you can expect from us?