Track and Manage Talks

Allow partners to submit talk proposals so they can share their knowledge and expertise. Good speakers and talks are what make your event great.


Go to Events ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and enable Schedule & Tracks.
Now, in your event’s form, once Website menu is enabled, the options Tracks on Website and Track Proposals on Website become available. Enabling them adds the menus Talks, Talk Proposals, and Agenda to your website.
View of an event form and the options to track and propose speaker in Odoo Events

Besides having the ability to suggest their own talks, the website now allows users to see a list of the whole agenda and scheduled talks.

View of the published website and the menus talks, talk proposal and agenda in Odoo Events


To handle tracks internally and not have the menus Talks, Talk Proposals, and Agenda online, use the menu Tracks individually.

Publishing speaker proposals

Once partners have filled in the appropriate form and submitted their proposals, a new Proposal is instantly created under the menu Track.

View of the talks’ proposals page emphasizing the column proposal in Odoo Events

If the proposal is accepted and can go online, simply open its form and click on Go to Website. From the website page, turn Published on.

View of the website page to publish a proposed talk for Odoo Events