Mayiya Investment Company Ltd.

Mayiya Investment Company Ltd.

About Mayiya

Mayiya Investment Company Limited (Mayiya) is a Ghanaian company primarily involved in the production of seeds and grains. The company produces maize, rice, soya bean and sesame seeds and grains on their own farmland and through its outgrower networkVia the outgrower networksmallholder farmers are supplied with farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizer and agrochemicals and receive farm support services for the production of seeds and grains. As part of IFAD’s Technical Assistance Facility, Advance Consulting supports Mayiya Investment Company with a full implementation of Odoo, including accounting, inventory, purchasing, sales and HR/payroll. In addition, Mayiya Investment Company is supported with the development and implementation of two fully integrated custom agricultural modules: an Outgrower Management System (OMS) and Farm Management Information System (FMIS).