Inter-mining service
Inter-Mining Services is a company that is driving progress and, with our customers and partners, building better communities through safe, smart, efficient mining procedures, something we have been doing consistently since 2012.Our progressive thinking and creative approach make us stand out from the crowd. We have a clear vision of what we want to be – leaders in mining and infrastructure development in Mali and West Africa; and we guide our business using five core values: Grow, Lead, Deliver, Protect and Sustain.
We are convinced that operating mines in a socially responsible fashion is not only the right thing to do ethically speaking, but it is also the only way to do business successfully. To us, this means that communities around our mines and work places should be better off, and benefiting from our projects and activities. To that end, we employ locally, and contribute to the common wealth of the communities in which we operate.
At Inter-Mining Services, we are committed to continuous improvement, a key to our success. We know that we can always improve. We have Management Standards covering three important areas: Safety, Environment, and Community Engagement and Development. We developed our standards based on best practices and international standards. A central element of these standards involves regular reviews that include internal assessments and external audits. Once we set our goals, measuring them is the only way to ensure we are achieving them and continuously improving our performance.
Fondée en 2015, VITCO est une compagnie panafricaine orientée vers le négoce et la distribution des hydrocarbures et dérivés. Nous disposons d'une performante chaine Logistique qui nous permet d'approvisionner les consommateurs locaux et sous régionaux en carburant avec des procédures fiables, professionnelles et efficaces capable de satisfaire les besoins énergétiques de nos clients à tout moment.VITCO est aussi un spécialiste en matière de fourniture de bitume aux entreprises évoluant dans le secteur du BTP et du génie CIVIL. Ambitieuse d'être l'entreprise la plus innovante et la plus performante sur le marché, VITCO est aujourd'hui l'une des seules entreprises qui offre le bitume dans des emballages en fut, et en vrac dans les citernes et les bitu-conteneur.
VITCO a constitué une alliance synergie avec des partenaires présentant de solides références mondiales tel que : TRAFIGURA ET PUMA ENERGY.
Fort de notre démarche client innovant et grâce au concours de nos partenaires, leaders mondiaux, nous fournissons des solutions qui conviennent à nos clients et qui les enthousiasment.