Bit Projekt d.o.o informatičkih sistema danas je neophodna za uspešno poslovanje. Svaka propuštena godina omogućava konkurenciji da bude bar jedan korak ispred vas. Zato je danas pravo vreme da planski unapredite i integrišete svoj poslovni sistem.
Ukoliko imate sve više posla, nedostaje vam ljudi i mali vam je budžet za razvoj, problem se može rešiti dobrim planom tehničkog razvoja. Mi možemo da vam pomognemo u nalaženju kompletnog rešenja — izradi plana, izboru tehnologije i opreme kao i integraciji/povezivanju celokupnog sistema uz korišćenje najnaprednije tehnologije i najsavršenije optičke opreme.
Bit Projekt, lider u oblasti komunikacionog inženjeringa u Srbiji i regionu, osnovan je 1993. godine u Beogradu. Preko dvadeset godina uspešno pomaže domaćim i stranim kompanijama i društvenim organizacijama da dostignu vrhunsko poslovanje.
Od samog osnivanja, kompanija je imala cilj da primenom najsavremenijih tehnoloških dostignuća i korišćenjem vrhunske opreme izradi najkvalitetnija rešenja svojim klijentima. Briga o klijentu bila je i ostala jedno od osnovnih načela poslovanja kompanije Bit Projekt. Informática/ Comunicación
Modoolar is a company with years of experience, entrepreneurial spirit and clear vision. Using the most up-to-date and innovative technologies, we help our clients worldwide to choose the best solution for their business. We provide software development services, but for our customers we are not just service provider, we are also a partner.With extensive experience in implementing Odoo based applications, we can offer a custom tailored solution that perfectly meet your needs.
Here at Modoolar, we pay great attention to create great products that are based on Odoo platform. Therefore, we are proud to present Odoo Scrummer, an agile project management tool that supports Scrum framework. The Scrummer has been created in collaboration with world-renowned experts for Scrum and agile methodologies. Built on top of Odoo platform, it combines the power of an ERP with the Scrum framework and it could take your project management to the next level.
Informática/ Comunicación
TERI Engineering, TERI Engineering d.o.o
TERI ENGINEERINGTERI Engineering is a group of five companies established in 1990 with the headquarter in Belgrade, and daughter companies in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Our line of business is sales, integration & implementation of communication, automation and IT products and solutions. Informática/ Comunicación