Abdullah AlSudais Company
Abdullah Alsudais Company is a Certified Public Accountants and Business Consultants firm that companies rely on.They provide a full range of accounting, audit, business advisory and tax services for businesses, not-for-profits and individuals. additional provide customized solutions to clients unique to them.
Peerless Technology help with enhancing their operation, reduce time and efforts in taking fast decisions and forecasting market growth, rendering the organization more effective in responding to the market change. Finanzas / Seguros
Ahmed Mohamed Alsaif & Sons Trading Company
Our origin as Ahmed AlSaif & Sons Trading And Investment Company located in Riyadh Saudi Arabia a limited liability W.L.L Corporation has created our outstanding reputation. As the leading commercial real estate development corporation we take pride in our real estate development project that deliver state of the art structures, property management and sound quality to our community. We have been in business for over a decade and are a family owned and operated company that was founded by Mr. Ahmed Mohammed AlSaif in 1977. Each of our structures upholds epic standards using only the latest in architectural standards and finishes, world class products and services and construction grade equipment. Our commercial real estate development standards are bar none and our clients have named us #1 in the kingdom. We live and love our community just like you so we take great pride in being able to serve all of you with great quality commercial real estate products and services. We are in business to erect structures of the highest quality to bring beauty and style to Riyadh and we only employ experienced and educated engineers, architects, technicians and construction crews to get the job done. Our administrative, executive and support staff is highly educated and experienced in all aspects of commercial real estate so you can rest assured all of your needs are covered. We know you deserve the best so look no further for all your commercial real estate needs than Heyaza Real Estate Development. Vision To develop, create and beautify the world one square meter at a time while beating out the competition and surpassing quality standards. Values Statement- Staying true to our moral compass, instilling value added customer service, upholding strong characters and work ethics to build professional relationships with each and every client, co-worker, partner, vendor, contractor and investor. Finanzas / SegurosAl Fahd investment company
Al Fahd Investment is a privately owned company, one of the Saudi leading investment companies based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. With over decades of high-level investment success in Saudi Arabian, Middle Eastern and international companies and mega projects, Led by Mr. Fahd Al Fahd. Finanzas / SegurosAl Rajhi Ekhwan
Al Rajhi Ekhwan Group was established in 2010 AD as a closed joint stock company with its headquarter in Riyadh. The company practices investment activities in many sectors including Real Estate development, Industrial Development and Saudi Stock market through strategic ownership of shares in leading joint stock companies. In addition, the company has various investments within and outside the Kingdom in compliance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia. Finanzas / SegurosAl Yousef & Al Saeed Co.
Al Yousef & Al Saeed Company is and accounting & auditing firm established in Saudi Arabia. They needed an ERP System to suit their operations.Peerless were completely aware of the company's demands to give them the finest options and boost the rate of return on investment. Finanzas / Seguros
Al-Nefaie Investment Group - NIG
مجموعة النفيعي للاستثمار هي شركة سعودية مساهمة مغلقة تأسست في جدة برأسمال مدفوع قدره 60،000،000 ريال سعودي بموجب السجل التجاري رقم السجل التجاري 4030182674 الصادر عن وزارة التجارة والاستثمار بتاريخ 9/9/1429 هـحصلت المجموعة على الخمس تراخيص من هيئة سوق المال السعودية للعمل كبنك استثماري متكامل متوافق مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية الغراء في المملكة بموجب الرخصة رقم 07082-37 بتاريخ 13/07/2009. من خلال مكتبها الرئيسي في مدينة جدة وفرعها بمدينة الرياض ، بدأت المجموعة عملياتها في 14/07/2009
تقدم شركة النفيعي لعملائها مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات بما في ذلك إدارة الصناديق والمحافظ الاستثمارية ، والوساطة المالية ، والخدمات المصرفية الإستثمارية ، والترتيب وتمويل الشركات ، والتعامل بصفة أصيل ووكيل للأوراق المالية بالإضافة إلى التعهد بالتغطية والحفظ تضمن المجموعة أن جميع خدماتها ومنتجاتها وعروضها متوافقة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية وتشرف عليها بانتظام هيئة الرقابة الشرعية المعينة.
كماأن المجموعة تتضمن إلى أن تكون المزود الرائد في المملكة لعروض الخدمات المالية والاستثمارية للأفراد، والشركات ،والعملاء من القطاعين العام والخاص، والمكاتب العائلية، والمؤسسات الخيرية، والصناديق السيادية .
هدفنا هو خدمة مصالح العملاء مع الالتزام بإدارة صارمة للمخاطر، والمطابقة والالتزام، ومعايير العمل، ومعايير الشفافية العالية. تتم إدارة المجموعة من قبل فريق من ذوي الخبرة مع تمتعنا بشبكة علاقات و أعمال مع المؤسسات البنكية والإستثمارية الأخر في جميع أنحاء المملكة ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط. Finanzas / Seguros
Alaziq Alzailaie CPA
Alaziq Alzailaie CPA is a professional firm of Certified Public Accountants based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with offices in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam opening shortly. We pride ourselves in providing top quality services to our clients and have extended our core business from Audit and Taxation to include Business Transformation consulting including expertise in ERP systems like SAP, Oracle as well as mid-range systems.We are known in the market as trusted advisors. Our knowledge of local regulations, culture, and customs in our areas of expertise provides us with repeat business as well as attracting new business and ventures entering the region from outside Saudi Arabia. We have embarked on a program of increasing our presence at the global level with an alliance with multidisciplinary firms and organizations like IAPA who share common values and interest in delivering services that add value to customers.
Our cosmopolitan team of professionals and affiliates come from UK, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine and Saudi Arabia. As part of continued professional development, we follow a defined program of keeping our members up to date with technical expertise.Our clients include Saudi Government, Private sector companies, Partnerships and Individual businesses. Finanzas / Seguros
Amad Investment Holding
Amd Arabia Investment Company Limited, located in Riyadh, Al-Rawd neighbourhood, King Abdullah Road, is one of the establishments that are based on providing the purchase, sale and rental of real estate, investment and real estate development for the benefit of the company. Finanzas / SegurosArabian Assets Real Estate Company
شركة الأصول العربية العقارية هي شركة رائدة في مجال الوساطة في التمويل العقاري الشخصي. تأسست في عام 2017 في مدينة الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية، وتديرها إدارة ناجحة ذات خبرات وكفاءات عالية في المجال العقاري والإداري.مجال عمل الشركة يركز على تيسير العملية بين العملاء والجهات الممولة، وبين ملاك الوحدات السكنية والمطورين العقاريين. تهدف الشركة إلى تنشيط القطاع العقاري وتحقيق رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 في إمتلاك المواطنين للمسكن المناسب.
تتمتع الشركة ببنية تقنية عالية، مما يساعدها في تقديم خدماتها بأفضل جودة لعملائها. وتسعى الشركة إلى تحقيق رؤيتها كرواد في وساطة التمويل العقاري، وتسعى لأن تكون الخيار المفضل للعملاء وجهات التمويل والمطورين العقاريين.
من خلال الابتكار وتطوير الأفكار والخدمات، ومن خلال امتلاك كوادر بشرية مؤهلة ومتخصصة، تعزز الشركة قيم الإبداع والجدارة والثقة والإنتاجية والجودة والمسؤولية. وقد حققت الشركة قفزة نوعية في مستوى الإنجازات، مع التركيز الدائم على رضى العملاء وتقديم الخدمات بمهنية وجودة عالية. Finanzas / Seguros
Athman Capital
Athman Holding is a Saudi Arabian investment holding company, established in 2018 by the sons of Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi, may God rest his soul, as a continuation of a legacy spanning over 40 years. Sheikh Abdullah, may God have mercy on him, was one of the founders of Al Rajhi Bank, Tabuk Agricultural Company, and various other enterprises. He was a pioneer in the Kingdom’s industrial and real estate investments. The sons of Sheikh Abdullah Al Rajhi, may God rest his soul, have carried on the successful journey by establishing Athan Holding. They have grown investment assets through extensive capabilities and expertise, leveraging strategic partnerships and alliances, and excelling in seizing investment opportunities both locally and globally We have provided ATHMAN with the Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, ProjectManagement, Asset Management, andFleet Management modules, in addition to the core modules in the Odooشركة استثمارية سعودية قابضة، تأسست شركة أثمان القابضة عام 2018م، على يد أبناء الشيخ عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز الراجحي -رحمه الله- كامتداد لإرث يعود لأكثر من 40 عاماً، حيث كان الشيخ الوالد -رحمه الله- من مؤسسي مصرف الراجحي، وشركة تبوك الزراعية وخلافها من الشركات، وكان من رواد المملكة في الاستثمارات الصناعية والعقارية.
قام أبناء الشيخ عبدالله الراجحي -رحمه الله- باستكمال المسيرة الناجحة عبر تأسيس شركة أثمان القابضة، وتنمية الأصول الاستثمارية وفق ما تمتلكه من قدرات وخبرات واسعة؛ بالاستفادة من الشراكات والتحالفات الاستراتيجية والتعامل المتميز مع الفرص الاستثمارية محلياً وعالمياً.
قدمنا كل من موديول الحسابات والمشتريات والمبيعات وادارة المشاريع والاصول والاسطول بالاضافة الى الموديولات الاساسية في نظام اودو Finanzas / Seguros
Awaed Aloula
Awaed is a Saudi Arabian company specializing in debt collection services for banks and financing companies. Established in April 2020, they operate under the regulations set forth by the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) to ensure consumer rights and financial sector stability.Awaed was founded in response to the growing demand for debt collection services in Saudi Arabia's expanding financing sector. Aligned with Saudi Vision 2030, Awaed aims to support the financial sector by providing specialized collection solutions to banks and financing companies.
Awaed operates within a regulatory framework established by SAMA, ensuring adherence to information security, corporate governance, and risk management. Their services cater to companies of all sizes, attracting new investors and fostering the growth of the financing sector. Awaed's focus on digital collection activities streamlines the process for clients while upholding consumer rights. Finanzas / Seguros
Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi
Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi (BBSF) is the first private commercial bank since 2004, and listed Securities Exchange since 2009. BBSF operates through 30 branches across the governorates. Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi s.a.( Public Joint Stock Co.), Commercial Registry No.13901 Damascus 2003, Paid up capital SYP 10,000,000,000 Finanzas / SegurosBin Hadi
Over the past years, Bin Hadi has achieved great success to become one of the leading car rental companies in Saudi Arabia. Since 1400 AH, Bin Hadi has made great strides in its presence in the Saudi market in the service of approximately 70,000 distinguished customers. Day a new challenge to do a better job. This makes Ben Hadi team's commitment to specific and uniform standards in performance and transaction necessary to continue the process of success and excellence, which was the most important factors is to achieve the satisfaction of customers by satisfying their wishes and the commitment of employees of Ben Hadi group of general rules of the company's operations. We have therefore developed a new system for the regulation of business behaviors to achieve the following objectives:A. Ensure that what we do at Ben Hadi is always according to what customers expect.
B. Identifying one tone and culture in Ben Hadi Company, enabling us to adhere to good standards and institutional standards.
C. Help Ben Hadi staff to acquire the skills needed in their field to provide the highest level of service to the satisfaction of customers.
D. Launch modern programs and activities that meet the requirements of our customers and satisfy their needs and desires. Finanzas / Seguros
Darfin Capital (“DARFIN”) is an organization that aims for excellence in providing quality investments, wealth management and execution services to a broad range of private, corporate and institutional clients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the countries of GCC.Darfin’s Shari’ah-compliant products are tailored to respond to investors’ needs and expectations through innovation and integrity. They are primarily focused on private equity, wealth management, direct investment, venture capital, asset management, real estate, and financial advisory. Our internal and external research capabilities, reinforced with our networking, have played a vital role in further strengthening our position in the regional market.
Peerless Tech helped us optimize our operations through linking all departments on one database to ease accessing data at any time through Odoo's ERP system. This resulted in reducing cost by removing all apps used in past and replacing them with Odoo ERP.
Finanzas / Seguros