Campo y Vida, S.L.
Su actividad se centra en brindar a escuelas, colegios y familias una experiencia de contacto con la naturaleza por medio de animales, aulas temáticas de naturaleza, teatro, talleres, paseos, etc.En este espacio se puede disfrutar de contactos con animales domésticos, huerto ecológico, paseos en poni, burra o yegua, aulas temáticas y sala de teatros.
Se instala la versión 15 de Odoo para la gestión de sus procesos.
Cantina Cellaro
La Cantina Cellaro è un’Azienda Vinicola fondata nel 1969 a Sambuca di Sicilia oggi consta di oltre cinquecento soci che quindi conferiscono uve per la produzione di vini IGP Terre Siciliane, DOC e IGT. Inoltre ha una capacità di oltre 220.000 ettolitri, con una superficie vitata di oltre 1.500 ettari.La Cantina Cellaro si è affidata ad Odoo ed a ABC Strategie per l'interconnessione dei macchinari vinicoli tramite industria 4.0. Agricultura
Cedarman Sal
Industry: AgricultureSector: Agritech
Cedar Greens, an agritech startup based in Batroun, Lebanon, is dedicated to producing the finest quality vegetables and herbs using high-technology controlled environmental greenhouses for hyper-local distribution. Founded with a vision to set new standards in agricultural production, Cedar Greens faced the challenge of finding an affordable accounting and inventory solution that could scale with their growing business needs and comply with Lebanese accounting standards. Partnering with Azkatech, Odoo Gold Partner in Lebanon, Cedar Greens implemented a customized Odoo ERP solution. Azkatech integrated essential modules including Inventory Management and Accounting, tailored to meet Lebanese standards, while providing a modular framework for future expansion. Now equipped with comprehensive operational visibility and robust reporting capabilities, Cedargreens efficiently manages their agricultural processes, achieving new standards in quality and productivity. Agricultura
Centech is a family run business founded in the late 1960's, where in the late 1980’s Centech expanded its business by entering the Agricultural Sector through the importation of Fertilizers. Today Centech has several distribution contracts with global fertilizer companies such as SQM, Everris and Mitsui.Centech chose YDS to be its digital transformation partner, by refining their current state business processes and implementing their business case on Odoo ERP using Odoo's operation modules & application to link the different departments with each other more efficiently & to facilitate the decision making process to the management by allowing them to use the powerful reporting capabilities of Odoo. Agricultura
Centor Europe
CENTOR EUROPE is a young, dynamic and innovative Dutch-based company specializing in providing seed coating technologies and products, analytical equipment and services as well as advice and training to the Seed industry. CENTOR EUROPE is a proud member and exclusive distributor of the Centor Group in Europe and neighbouring countries. Their activities are based on a business partnership approach, putting the customer first, whereby offering flexible solutions for your seed coating and technology needs.Thanks to Odoo Business Solutions, Centor Europe is ready for further business growth.
Cocoa Abrabopa Association
The Cocoa Abrabopa Association (‘cocoa for a better life’) is an organisation for and by Ghanaian cocoa farmers. It seeks to improve the lives of its members by providing training, certification, and tailor-made input packages on credit, warehousing and access to export markets. Since 2009, the CAA has been UTZ Certified and Rainforest Alliance Certified. It has a strong member base of over 8,400 smallholder farmers and exports cocoa around the world.Advance Insight replaced CAA’s legacy systems by Odoo in 2023 and made various customisations to the system."
Cook Redlands Corp
Pour ses activités d’achat et de vente de leurs produits issus de leur ferme aux USA, nous collaborons avec la société Cook Redlands Corp pour l’intégration du module Odoo de comptabilité. En effet, elle était à la recherche d’un outil simple à utiliser et adapté aux normes US. Grâce à Odoo, il lui était possible d’installer uniquement le module dont elle avait besoin pour le moment. A l’avenir, la société aimerait également se doter des modules d’achat et de vente afin de centraliser sa gestion au fur et à mesure sur Odoo.For its activity of buying and selling products from its farm in USA, we collaborate with Cook Redlands Corp for the integration of the Odoo accounting module. Indeed, Cook Redlands Corp was looking for a tool that is simple to use and adapted to US standards. Thanks to Odoo, it was possible to only install the needed module at the moment. In the future, the company would also like to acquire the purchase and sales modules in order to centralize its management on Odoo." Agricultura
Creva Industries
Creva International connects responsible farms worldwide with pedigree products, fostering a better everyday life for cows and farmers alike. By facilitating these connections, Creva International enables farmers to focus on their core expertise of caring for animals and producing top-quality products. With Odoo, Creva streamlines farm operations and facilitates seamless connections. AgriculturaDB Nord SARL
DB Nord est une entreprise marocaine du secteur de l’agriculture,Cette société, répartie sur l’ensemble du territoire marocain, emploie entre 1 000 et 1 500 collaborateurs sur plusieurs sites de production agricole et agro-industrielle.
Db Nord est spécialisé dans la production et la transformation agricoles (agrumes, maraîchage, arboriculture fruitière, plantes aromatiques
Farm Relief Implemented Odoo with another partner and came to Smart IT for specialist support. We were happy to help Farm Relief better understand Odoo and its processes to be used seamlessly day to day. We carried out a series of training sessions mainly in the areas of accountancy for localisation in the UK and Ireland. AgriculturaDairy Link
ما بين الرؤيا و القيم علاقة طويلة الامد مبنية على الثقة والتعاون ما بين (ديري لينك) و عملائنا و رغبتنا في الوصول لوضع مميز في مجالناالنهوض بأهم قطاع من الانتاج الحيواني وهو مزارع الالبان و مواجهة الصعوبات التي تواجه مربي الابقار بغض النظر عن مدي صعوبتها
تقديم الحلول السريعة والفعالة والتي تناسب مربي الابقار
من منطلق كوننا مربين ابقار نمتلك ما يكفي من الخبرة لفهم مشكلات و احتياجات مربي الابقار
نقدم المساعدة لمزارع الالبان في التغذية من تكوين علائق وايجاد حلول لمشاكل سوء التغذية
رفع الكفاءة الانتاجية للابقار
توفير دعم فني للمزارع في كل ما يخص مزارع الالبان من
رعاية الابقار
التناسل والخصوبة
كيفية تحقيق اعلى ربحية من الابقار
نمتلك فريق عمل كبير من المتخصصين وذوي الخبرة
اعداد دراسات الجدوى التي تناسب مربي الابقار و تساعده على تنظيم اعماله
Dina Farms was founded in 1987 and has become Egypt’s and Africa’s largest private integrated dairy farm with more than 15,000 head of cattle of which over 8,000 are milking cows.Dina Farms produces its own branded pasteurized fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter and skimmed milk powder in addition to selling raw milk to other local and international dairy producers in Egypt.
The farm is established over an area of 10,000 acres strategically located on the busy Cairo-Alexandria Desert road close to the major local consumption markets and the coastal city of Alexandria. Agricultura
As one of the leading plantation management solution providers in Indonesia, e-Komoditi requires a comprehensive and reliable system to streamline its operations across multiple business functions, including CRM, project management, payroll, accounting, and field services. Their goal was to enhance operational efficiency, improve collaboration across teams, and gain real-time visibility into key metrics.With Zubbily’s expertise in Odoo implementation and customization, e-Komoditi successfully integrated Odoo’s versatile modules into their workflows. This seamless integration has allowed them to centralize their operations, automate processes, and access actionable insights in real-time, empowering them to make data-driven decisions and deliver greater value to their clients. Agricultura