
Making Company Management Simple, Fast and Budget Friendly

Headquarters: Budapest, Hungary

Partnership year: 2019

Number of employees: 15

Services offered: ERP implementations, training, data imports, telephone support, Hungarian localisation and hungarian bookkeeping

Number of Odoo implementations: 50+

Online ERP Hungary’s journey with Odoo began in 2010 after discovering that time consuming tasks could be replaced with an all-in-one user friendly software that was capable of automating tasks. At the time, they provided IT support to help companies achieve their business goals. Their purpose was to assure system operation at the highest level and create customer-friendly websites and web stores. Odoo was just one of many software systems that was offered to customers, but internally they used the software everyday for internal operations. It wasn’t until 2019 that Online ERP Hungary Ltd was officially born. Attending Odoo Experience 2019 had a huge impact on the company’s founders, so much so, post-event they decided to begin dealing exclusively with Odoo Enterprise. Determined to work exclusively with Odoo, Online ERP Ltd, was formed by the merging of two organisations: I3 Rendszerhaz Ltd and Online Office Ltd. Both organisations combined their knowledge to provide Odoo solutions for customers.

Online ERP’s mission is to help companies make their internal management simpler, faster and more cost-effective with Odoo. Currently there are 15 people working for Online ERP Ltd. Six are full-time developers, five consultants, a webmaster, a marketing specialist, a manager and a salesperson. The composition of the team is very mixed from beginner to routine. As the company has been working with Odoo since 2010, they are experienced in their software knowledge and bring this asset to all their client projects. 

The company began using Odoo internally from version 8 and today they use the latest version and enjoy nearly every module outside of MRP. Ten years ago, Online ERP spent a lot of time with specifics, design and development before going live with an implementation. Today, the partner implements projects using the Odoo Methodology and they work much faster thanks to it. Implementation projects are implemented as fast as possible but the time taken often varies due to the size of the company. Implementations can take from one week to 4 months. Online ERP often begins with the biggest problem or shortcoming and from there go step by step. The company has implemented projects for a wide range of clients; from small webshops to giant manufacturing companies. 

A few months ago, Online ERP encountered one of their most memorable customers. At first the scope seemed relatively simple; migrate a running open source Odoo 11 system to enterprise. From their decade of experience, Online ERP quickly found out that the migration was one where the devil lied within the details. One of the difficulties the partner encountered was not having access to the database which held 1,300 partners, 800 products, 4,500 invoices, 1,100 bank statements and 21,000 serial numbers. So re-recording wasn’t an option. In addition, there was a one month deadline. This meant long nights for Online ERP’s developers. This was a real challenge for the partner because in addition to this time constrained migration, the company also had other ongoing projects and it was difficult to dedicate all resources towards meeting the one month time limit. However, in the end after a reshuffling of resources and negotiations with the customer, Online ERP managed to finalise the project which in the end was a great success and a testament to their capabilities.

What Online ERP enjoys most about working with Odoo is that they’re working with a product they believe in, so much so, the sales team do not have a problem selling the product. Odoo sells itself. When asking clients for feedback after a project has gone live, they often have great reviews and very satisfied customers. A highlight for Online ERP is being able to see a client smile. There is nothing better than a happy customer!

Some of the key lessons Online ERP has learned as an Odoo partner have been; planning for the long term and not just thinking about short term goals and focusing on customer needs. It is important to ensure that at the end user is confident therefore its important to give them a proper education both online and in person. They’ve also learned that difficulties shouldn’t be viewed as a challenge but as an opportunity to grow. In their experience, they have seen that perfection takes a long time and circumstances rapidly change. So it’s important to be up to date and react on time. Online ERP does this by keeping up to date with trends, attending Odoo events and conferences and always maintaining a curiosity about the sector.

Today, Online ERP is present over a multitude of online platforms and everything they do is embedded in the Odoo culture. Choosing to exclusively sell with Odoo is one of the best decisions they’ve made as they truly believe Odoo is the future of the ERP market. One of the things Online ERP most enjoys is introducing Odoo to people who have never heard about the system before. They find newcomers become Odoo fans quite quickly because the product sells itself. Online ERP’s advice for new Odoo partners is to focus on providing high quality to a small number of clients rather than trying to service a large number of clients without providing good quality service. In addition, Online ERP advises new partners to take some time to work and learn with an official Odoo Partner. The partner network at Odoo is a great resource to learn from.

About Online ERP Hungary Ltd.

We are the official Hungarian partners of Odoo, and now we have grown into one of the leading experts in ERP systems. Our own experiences and results have spurred us to help as many leaders as possible with our unique developments. We pay special attention to keeping our customers' hands throughout the entire implementation of the system: from the first steps, we provide clear, understandable answers and solutions, whether it is a business process or even an offer template.

We pass on our experience over the years with free video materials and personal training to those who decide they want to keep their company in one hand. We are confident that — like us and our clients — anyone who tests our corporate governance system will no longer want an Odoo-free life. Learn more about Online ERP Hungary Ltd at: 

bloopark: Letting Go of Old Methods