Devices and Integrations | Odoo VoIP
In this video, learn how to use devices and SIP compatible applications with Odoo VoIP. Other lessons related to this video: Set Up Odoo VoIP Widget Manage Your Users Voicemails and Audio Messages Need more information about Odoo apps? Discover Odoo, schedule a demo, or start your own Odoo revolution for free (no credit card required), at
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What happens if you schedule an activity to call someone tomorrow?
It shows up in the Chatter and the “Next Activities” list in the Odoo VoIP widget right away.
It will show up in the Chatter and the “Next Activities” list in the Odoo VoIP widget tomorrow.
It shows up in the Chatter right away and it will show up in the “Next Activities” list in the Odoo VoIP widget tomorrow.
It shows up in the “Next Activities” list in the Odoo VoIP widget right away and it will show up in the Chatter tomorrow.
What happens if you click the person icon in the Odoo VoIP widget?
Name three different ways a user can make phone calls via VOIP on a mobile phone.