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RMAs Done Right
Demo Functional
Ubicación: Studio 8 - 30/9/20, 20:00 - 30/9/20, 20:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutos)
RMAs Done Right
Kaylie Kipe
Vice President en Hibou Corp.
Kaylie Kipe
Vice President en Hibou Corp.

Kaylie Kipe is the lead business consultant at Hibou, a US-based Odoo Partner. Hibou focuses on sustainable solutions, both out-of-the-box and through custom development, backed by enterprise-level support and user documentation. Hibou is also an avid contributor to the Odoo open-source community though their Hibou Odoo Suite:

Keep your customers happy by keeping track of your returns! No company wants returns, but it’s a fact of life that many companies deal with on a daily basis. Return Merchandise Authorization (RMAs) can be difficult to manage and time consuming to process, resulting in allocation of internal resources that could be better utilized elsewhere.

In this talk, we’ll review Hibou’s RMA application that provides template-based functionality to efficiently and effectively manage returns, turning them from a time-suck to a well-oiled machine (or, at least, a necessary evil)!