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Norauto implementation with Nybble Group
Ubicación: Studio 3 - 30/9/20 21:00 - 30/9/20 21:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutos)
Norauto implementation with Nybble Group
John O'Toole & Cynthia Gutierrez
John O'Toole & Cynthia Gutierrez


About Cynthia Gutierrez:
She has a bachelor’s degree in International Relations, is passionate, multifunctional, creative, result-oriented, and problem-solving. feels comfortable provoking change and adapting to new methodologies, focused on transformational leadership. With 6 years of experience in the public sector, private, International, Government, Big Four companies (Tax Experience), NGO's, Associations.

The global automotive company Norauto, from its headquarters in Argentina represented by Leonardo Elizeche, IT Manager, shared with us and described their experience developing an Odoo implementation project alongside a multidisciplinary team as Nybble Group in their 11 branch offices around the country and how this has improved their productivity and internal management.