ADMG er specialiseret i digital fremstilling, der tilbyder løsninger som 3D-simulering for hele livscyklussen af digital fremstilling og realistisk 3D-simulation af CNC-maskiner med nøjagtig kollisionsdetektion. De leverer tjenester som installation, træning, on-site assistance og optimering, der dækker områder som mekanisk/elektrisk, PDM/PLM, additiv fremstilling og mere. Deres vision er at forbedre den skandinaviske fremstillings konkurrenceevne gennem digital fremstilling.ADMG specializes in digital manufacturing, offering solutions like 3D-simulation for the entire lifecycle of digital manufacturing and realistic 3D simulation of CNC machines with accurate collision-detection. They provide services including installation, training, on-site assistance, and optimization, covering areas such as mechanical/electrical, PDM/PLM, additive manufacturing, and more. Their vision is to enhance Scandinavian manufacturing competitiveness through digital manufacturing.
Blue Ocean Robotics
At Blue Ocean Robotics we develop, produce and sell professional service robots primarily in healthcare, hospitality, construction and agriculture. We develop robots from problem, idea and design to development, commercialization, and all the way to exit. Each robot brand is set up in its own subsidiary- venture company focused on commercialization, global distribution and growth. Blue Ocean Robotics is the first in the world of its kind - a Robot Venture Factory. CientíficoBrainreader
Founded in 2011, Brainreader is a medical device creator and service company at the forefront of the emerging field of brain volumetrics.The company’s flagship Neuroreader® is a software assessment tool with an FDA-clearance that facilitates prompt and accurate brain volume assessment. Científico
Ltech A/S fokuserer på at skabe et bedre indeklima gennem energibesparende løsninger. De tilbyder skræddersyede løsninger inden for bygningsautomation, elektricitet og sikkerhed, med et særligt fokus på prædiktivt vedligehold, kunstig intelligens og IoT. Deres arbejde har bl.a. reduceret en skoles energiforbrug med 25% gennem implementering af Ltechs energistrategi.Ltech A/S specializes in improving indoor climates with energy-saving solutions. They provide custom solutions in building automation, electricity, and security, with a special focus on predictive maintenance, artificial intelligence, and IoT. Their efforts include reducing a school's energy consumption by 25% through the implementation of Ltech's energy strategy.
Nordbo Robotics A/S
Nordbo Robotics A/S, founded in 2014, is a pioneering company in the field of AI and robotics. Specializing in No Code software for robotics within industrial manufacturing, they have developed over 30 setups of AI-based quality inspection. Their software platforms are adept at polishing, buffing, and other surface processing tasks, translating expert skills into precise robotic movements. Nordbo Robotics offers innovative solutions that address challenges in manual and traditional automated processes, emphasizing consistency, safety, and scalability. They cater to a diverse range of industries, including aerospace, defense, marine, automotive, consumer products, and medical devices.Científico
Prime Design Denmark ApS
PDE Group is one of the leading manufacturers of performance rack systems and interior products for LCV. We develop and manufacture innovative and patented product lines (Alurack® , ErgoRackTM).Our line of patented of rack systems, accessories, and interior protection products that have a significant positive impact on the safety and efficiency of daily jobs. Our commitment to continuous R&D, the highest-standard fabrication and environmental responsibility, as well as evolving our digital and commercial presence, enable PDE to deliver superior products to the LCV + 4x4 market. Científico
Purifi ApS
PURIFI er dedikeret til at fjerne tekniske barrierer for nydelsen af gengivet musik gennem videnskabelige gennembrud i teknologi. De fokuserer på at udvikle transducer- og forstærkerteknologier med ultra-lav forvrængning, med målet om at sætte nye standarder for ydeevne, kvalitet og brugervenlighed. Deres forskning i ikke-lineær kontrolteori og avanceret matematisk modellering har ført til patenterede løsninger, der betydeligt forbedrer lydgengivelsen.PURIFI is dedicated to eliminating technical barriers in the enjoyment of reproduced music through scientific breakthroughs in technology. They focus on developing ultra-low distortion transducer and amplifier technologies, aiming to set new standards in performance, quality, and ease of use. Their research in nonlinear control theory and advanced mathematical modeling has led to patented solutions that significantly improve sound reproduction.
ROEQ ApS, founded in 2017 and located in Vissenbjerg, Denmark, develops robotic equipment and software for enhancing the capabilities of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). They specialize in plug-and-play software and a variety of top modules, carts, top rollers, and lifters, designed to maximize the efficiency, safety, and versatility of AMRs in warehouse or production line settings. ROEQ focuses on easy integration and flexibility, offering solutions that are safe, reliable, and cost-efficient, enhancing productivity in multiple workflows.Científico
RoboTool A/S
RoboTool A/S, a Danish company established in 2001 and based in Vejen, specializes in developing and selling robotic technology and automation solutions. With a focus on industries requiring high operational safety and precision, they offer robotic tools and software for production, machining, and handling issues. RoboTool's high-level technological expertise and years of experience enable them to tackle complex challenges and deliver future-proof solutions that enhance business profitability.Científico