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Odoo税务引擎非常灵活, 并支持许多不同类型的税率: 增值税(增值税),eco-taxes,联邦税,保留、预扣税,等。对大多数国家来说, 科目表已自动预配置与主要国家匹配的税率。




创建新税,使用菜单:[UNKNOWN NODE title_reference] in the accounting application. 从这个菜单, 可用税率: 销售税和购买税。

在创建新的税的时候, 你可以设置如下信息 :

  • Scope: Sales, Purchases or None (e.g. deprecated tax)
  • Tax Account: is the account where the tax journal item will be posted. This field is optional, if you keep it empty, Odoo posts the tax journal item in the income account.
  • Label on Invoices: a short text on how you want this tax to be printed on invoice line. For example, a tax named "21% on Services" can have the following label on invoice "21%".
  • Tax Group: defines where this tax is summed in the invoice footer. All the tax belonging to the same tax group will be grouped on the invoice footer. Examples of tax group: VAT, Retention.
  • Include in Analytic Cost: the tax is counted as a cost and, thus, generate an analytic entry if your invoice uses analytic accounts.
  • Tags: are used for custom reports. (usually, you can keep this field empty)

税有不同的计算机制 :

  • Fixed, example: an eco-tax of $1.34 per battery
  • Percentage, example: 15% sales tax
  • Percentage of price, tax included: example in brazil
  • Group of taxes: allows to have a compound tax

如果是含税价, 这意味着价格包括税。举个例子, 假设你有一个产品的销售税为10%。产品界面上的售价是100美元。

  • 如果价格中不含税, 你会得到 :

    • 不含税价格 : $100

    • 税 :$10

    • 待支付总计 : $110

  • 如果税包含在价格中

    • 不含税价格 :90.91

    • 税 : $9.09

    • 总计待支付 :$100


如果不使用税率, 你不能删除它,因为税率可能已用于一些发票。所以,为了避免用户继续使用此税,你应该设置字段* 税范围 * 为* [UNKNOWN NODE problematic]None * [UNKNOWN NODE problematic]。


一旦创建了税, 可以定义新建产品的默认税(销售和采购税)。在会计应用程序中设置默认的税,进入菜单 Configuration ‣ Settings.

一旦默认税率设定, 当创建一个新产品时,在产品界面会出现默认的税率。