Marketing features

Use your POS system to engage with customers directly by sending them promotional offers via email or WhatsApp.

Storing contact details

This feature requires your customer’s contact details, either their email address or phone number.

  • Email addresses: automatically collected and saved in POS orders when sending a receipt by email.

  • Phone numbers: to store phone numbers when sending receipts on WhatsApp or by SMS,

    1. Go to Configuration ‣ Settings and scroll to the Bills & Receipts section;

    2. Activate the WhatsApp Enabled or SMS Enabled option(s).

setting to enable to store phone numbers when sending receipts

If a customer’s contact information is missing, it will be automatically saved in POS orders when the receipt is sent via email, SMS, or WhatsApp.


From a POS order form, navigate to the Contact Info category under the Extra Info tab, then click the email icon or whatsapp icon to send standalone marketing messages.

pos orders form's standalone marketing message option

Email marketing

To send marketing emails to your customers from POS orders,

  1. Go to Point of Sale ‣ Orders ‣ Orders;

  2. Select the orders;

  3. Click Actions, then Send Email from the dropdown menu.

Doing so opens an email composing form. Fill it in and hit Send.

mail composer view


  • Save some time by saving your content as a template. Click the vertical ellipsis button and select your template under the Insert Template section.

  • You can also save your content as template for later use. Click the vertical ellipsis button and select Save as Template.


  • Fill in the Mass Mailing Name field to create a mass mailing and track its results in the Email Marketing app.

  • If an email address is not related to an existing customer, a new customer is automatically created when sending marketing emails.

Whatsapp marketing


You first need to enable the related server action to send WhatsApp marketing messages from your POS using the phone numbers collected from POS orders. To do so,

  1. Go to the WhatsApp application;

  2. Create a new WhatsApp template;

  3. Configure the fields:

    • Applies to field set to Point of Sale Orders;

    • Category field to Marketing;

    • Phone Field to either Mobile or Customer > Phone.

  4. Click Submit for Approval;

  5. Once approved, click the Allow Multi button to create a server action in the POS orders list view.

approved and configured for marketing uses whatsapp template


If you modify the template’s content, you must request for approval again, as its status returns to the Draft state.

Send WhatsApp marketing messages

  1. Go to Point of Sale ‣ Orders ‣ Orders;

  2. Select the orders;

  3. Click Actions, then WhatsApp Message from the dropdown menu.

Doing so opens a WhatsApp message composing form. Select the desired marketing template in the Template field and hit Send Message.

whatsapp composer view


  • To use WhatsApp marketing in the Point of Sale, approved marketing templates must have the Allow Multi option enabled and Point of Sale Orders selected in the Applies to field.

  • If the server action is displayed without a properly configured template, an error message appears. Click Configure Templates and complete the WhatsApp setup steps.

See also
