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Energy Rocks
Industry Talk Partner Community Odoo Enterprise
Ort: Hall 7.C - 03.10.24, 12:00 - 03.10.24, 12:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 Minuten)
Energy Rocks
Manuel Sauer
Manuel Sauer

Manuel is the founder and CEO of SAMSA-IT GmbH - Odoo Partner based in Germany. He founded SAMSA in 2013 as an SAP consulting company. 2016 he came across an Open-Source CRM+ERP+Webportal with a modular and extensible IT-Architecture named Odoo. Ever since, Manuel and his team deliver Odoo projects and integrate it into existing IT-landscapes.

Energy relates to the environment depending on how it is produced. Energy is infrastructure, an essential part of civilization. Energy is the future, because we need a lot more of it for new businesses like artificial intelligence.
Odoo has a small part in that. Learn from an Odoo energy industry professional how to use Odoo for the energy industry. We are an Odoo partner specialized on energy and present how we use it for customers in the energy sector.

1. Odoo is no industry solution. What does it do for the energy industry?
2. Commodity tariffs vs. energy related products
3. Sales of energy related products
4. Fulfilment for photovoltaic projects
5. Billing for photovoltaic projects
6. Accounting specifics for photovoltaics: tax, subsidy, regulation

Target Audience:
Energy companies