Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersErledigt
What's new in purchase?
Anirudh Sharma (ansh)Erledigt
What's new in HR?
MahendraSinh & Ankit ChauhanErledigt
What's new in POS?
Mohammed Aasif Ghanchi (mog)Erledigt
What's new in Website Builder?
Rahil ShahErledigt
What's new in Documents
Nihar Varma (vani)Erledigt
What's new in MRP?
Tarak Hiren GorErledigt
What's new in eCommerce?
What's new in Logistic?
Anirudh Sharma (ansh)Erledigt
Inventory : Routes going more flexible
Umesh Shenoy (UMSH)Erledigt
What's new in sales?
What's New
Ort: Seminar Hall 1, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir
23.08.24, 12:20
23.08.24, 13:00
(40 Minuten)
Dipali Tank
Product owner
bei Odoo
Dipali Tank
Product owner
bei Odoo
Dipali has accumulated 7 years of experience at Odoo, beginning her journey in 2017 as a developer intern. After recognizing her potential to make a greater impact, she transitioned to the Product Owner department, where she quickly excelled. Over the years, she has collaborated with various departments and contributed her expertise to multiple Odoo modules..