Mesdaaq Trading
Mesdaaq Trading Company (MTC) is one of Saudi Arabia's biggest importers and distributors of furniture and household goods. Established in 2004, the company offers a wide range of branded merchandise as well as leading positions in other categories, such as home goods and furnishings. Mesdaaq Trading Company (MTC), with a branch in Jeddah, provides services to all major districts of the Kingdom. Mesdaaq Trading Company (MTC) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards in response to increasingly discerning consumerpreferences and fierce competition in the area. Mesdaaq Trading Company (MTC) has expanded its distribution network outside traditional stores in response to the rise of retail and lifestyle stores in Saudi Arabia. The company is also actively exploring new avenues for serving towns and villages that are remote from large cities. FertigungMetal Fabrication Co
Tashkeal - Metal fabrication Co Limited was Established in the year 1992 to meet the growing demand for Metal works Specially in Industrialization Engineering and Construction Projects in Saudi Arabia. As the pioneer in the market Tashkeal met all challenges by being able to manufacture any product requiring metal fabrication, welding and installation. Each process is carried out in the custom-built factory in Jeddah. From those early days to its emergence as market leader, Tashkeal has continued to emphasize quality within an innovative framework. FertigungMisyan Group
Misyan Marketing Group is a group of companies that offers a wide range of products and services through a large team with high experience and international and local products in order to build a long-term relationship with all our customers.The company has a group of marketing limited misyan deep experience in various fields, including:
Misyan Contracting Company
Misyan Computers Company
Misyan Center for TV and Radio Studios
Kamran Company
Al Op Trading Company
Adwaa Alenma Alarabia Company Fertigung
Modern System Aluminum Factory
Modern Steel Resources Trading Company is a 100% Saudi owned located at 14273Ibn Al Amid, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Modern Steel is involved in supply of industrial & commercial materials all over the Kingdom from various manufactures and brands around the world. We represent many well-known National & International manufactures and suppliers of industrial materials. We can supply a complete procurement service for a wide range of Industrial Materials such Carbon steel, Stainless steel , Alloys, Aluminium( Plates & sheets, pipes, tubes, fittings, beams ,angles, channels, square & rectangle sections, Round bards, flat bars, Reinforcement bars, Cut & bended Rebar sections, Plain coils, all type of valves ,all kinds of welding solutions, Heavy and light industrial Tools, Safety Materials, Building Materials. We also deal PVC and other non-metallic products.
Our Main motto is the entire satisfaction of our valuable clients that meets their requirement both in price and quality. We are looking for more importance to the quality of products and its reasonable, competitive price. Fertigung
Mohammed Hadi Al-Rasheed & Co.
مجموعة شركات مساهمة رائدة في مجال الصناعة والتعدينالنظام :
تم نقل شركة هادي الرشيد من نظامهم السابق الي نظام اودو النسخة 15 ENTERPRICE
المزايا :
تكاملية وترابط جميع الشركات واقسامها في نظام واحد (مالية – مستودعات – مشتريات – مبيعات – تصنيع – ربط الفاتورة الالكترونية مع الزكاة والدخل)
تقليل تكلفة الوقت والعمل الورقي
كفاءة العمل وموثوقية المخرجات المالية
تقارير سهلة ومتعددة وبسيطة ودسمة النتائج في كل المنظومات
سرعة الإجراءات والتواصل مابين الأقسام والشركات المختلفة
ادراة عملية التصنيع وتوابعها وحساب التكاليف المختلفة ومن ثم توزيعها ماليا حسب تكلفة المنتج
التعامل مع المنتجات بتسلسلية مختلفة لنفس المنتج في البيع والتصنيع
تنظيم الدليل المحاسبي والعمل علي اكثر من مستوي محاسبي
Mqayes Aldeqa Factory
تقدم شركة مقاييس الدقة العديد من الخدمات المتنوعة في مجال التنظيف والصيانة لجميع الاماكن المختلفة بأفضل وأجود الأدوات والمعدات الحديثة وأيضا خدمات كاملة في إدارة النفايات الصلبة والسائلة الخطرة وغير الخطرة ، كما نوفر خدمة تأجير الحاويات والمعدات المختلفة لجميع الأماكن. FertigungMumtaz Glass Factory - مصنع ممتاز للزجاج
A collection of establishments including an Momtaz factory for automotive glass, established by experienced, high-quality, and productive labor with up to 19 years of experience in the field. Also, an Khotot production line factory for machinery, where packaging and wrapping lines for products are designed and manufactured in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, there is Kinona Agency for Advertising and Marketing, specialists in marketing on electronic communication sites, introducing the Saudi market to various types of marketing to provide the client with new and suitable opportunities for their business. This is in addition to a number of institutions like the BA Logistic Transport and Excellence Spare Parts shop for auto Mobile Spare parts.Fertigung
NCEI - الشركة الوطنية للصناعات الكهربائية
National Company for Electrical Industries (NCEI) for substations & panel boards has been established in the year 2000 located in kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a total area of about 10,000 sqm.Since the Establishment Of National Company for Electrical Industries (NCEI) in year 2000, we decided to be one of the leaders in the field of manufacturing all types of the electrical low voltage switchgears in Saudi Arabia and that dream has been converted into reality.
Today (NCEI) is one of the leaders of producing modular electrical switch boards systems such as “Main Distribution Panel Boards” and sub-main panels for industrial and commercial purposes, motor control centers, automatic transfer switches, synchronizing panels for any number of generator sets and other industrial and residential panels designed and tested as per the IEC 61439-1, BS EN 61439-1 standards and in line with the latest design and practices of Schneider electric products. Also manufactures assemble, test & supply medium voltage substations up to 33kv – 3150 KVA which consist of ring main unit compartments, transformer compartments and L.V. compartments Fertigung
NAMI is a Saudi additive manufacturing company launched in Nov 2022 by 3D Systems and Dussur. We aim to be a top 5 additive manufacturing service by 2030 and localize manufacturing in the industrial and medical sectors by providing a digital manufacturing platform that facilitates access to reliable industrial-grade technologies and application engineers, maximizing local adoption of 3D printing.Fertigung
National Medical Products Co. Ltd. - DAMAD
Based in Riyadh City, the factory is the oldest largest in medical care products dressing industry in Middle East, Arab Gulf Countries Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Because we only provide quality excellence, the factory was founded on the latest the best of German technologies production lines still remains. FertigungOmega Company For Luminaries, Poles & Galvanizing
Omega Company for Luminaires, Poles & Galvanizing, situated in the New Industrial Area, Phase II, Riyadh, stands as a trailblazing entity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specializing in the production of hot-dip galvanized steel poles, outdoor lighting fixtures, and the galvanization of steel metal. The company was in search of an ERP system to effectively monitor all internal operations.Omega has engaged with Gulfboost to enhance their system implementation for the internal and external procurement processes, Multi level approval for sales and manufacturing orders, and Integration with (AutoCAD). drawings.
We are collaborating closely with Omega to optimize their processes and maximize the efficiency of their Work with Proper Odoo utilization. not only to meet their expectations but to exceed it. To achieve this, we have tailored Odoo ERP modules to suit Omega's specific needs, covering Purchase, Sales, Inventory, Production, Accounting, HR
نحن نعمل منذ عشرون عاماً في انتاج أكياس البولي بروبيلين المنسوجة والخيوط الزراعية والحبال الصناعية.ومنذ ذلك الحين نعمل جاهدين لتوسيع دائرة الثقة بين العملاء حيث اكتسبت منتجات المصنع السعودي للشباك البلاستيكية على شهرة واسعة وذلك لقدرتها الفائقة على التحمل ومقاومتها للظروف المناخية وظروف الاستخدام بالإضافة الى استخداماتها المتعددة مما ساعد في انتشارها على نطاق واسع في السوق الاستهلاكي والتجاري والصناعي داخل وخارج المملكة نظراً لتعدد الخيارات من الاحجام والمقاسات والمواصفات الفنية التي عززت ثقة العملاء يوماً بعد يوم . Fertigung