Sanal Santral Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
2011 yılında kurulmuş ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Kurumu tarafından yetkilendirilmiş Sabit Telefon Hizmetleri lisansına sahip bir telekom operatörüdür.Türkiye geneline yayılmış hizmet ağıyla binlerce firmanın iletişim ihtiyaçlarını ekonomik, profesyonel ve güvenli bir şekilde sağlamaktadır. IT/Communication/Marketing
İleti Yönetim Sistemi A.Ş.
ABOUT OUR COMPANYNo. 6563 in accordance with the Law on Regulating Electronic Commerce decided to establish a commercial electronic message management system of national and Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Association, has been appointed in this regard by the Ministry of Commerce TCA. CMS Inc., said the system's design, implementation, Turkey Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges for the installation and maintenance of Education and Culture Foundation was established as a subsidiary.
Commercial electronic messages are messages sent for commercial purposes by means of telephone, call center, automatic call machine, smart voice recorder system, electronic mail and short messages. Real or legal persons who send commercial electronic messages are defined as service providers in accordance with the legislation.
The Message Management System (IMS) is a national database where service providers can store and manage different types of message permissions such as call, message and e-mail, and view and remove permissions of citizens.
IMS services are designed for citizens and service providers. Citizens will be able to see and change their permissions from the İYS website, mobile application and call center.
For service providers, user interfaces and remote access data synchronization services are provided on the CMS website to enable recipients with commercial message approval and merchants to transfer their message addresses to the IYS database and keep them updated.
The fact that the permits are kept up-to-date at a single point in the IYS database provides a great opportunity for the public to fulfill its supervision task quickly and completely. For this purpose, a new complaints management application that is only accessible to public officials will work on the IMS database. IT/Communication/Marketing