Baghaffar Sons Co. is one of the Pioneers in the Diagnostic Product covering the Kingdom and representing many international manufacturers. Their product range includes the laboratory requirements as they utilize latest technology of the clinical laboratory. Also handling special products for research purposes as well.Upward implemented the Odoo system for Baghaffar Company, covering Accounting, Invoicing, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Subscription, Field Service, Documents, Employees, Time Off, Attendance, Appraisals, and Approvals, resulting in improved operational efficiency and management capabilities.
شركة أبناء عبدالله أحمد باغفار هي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال توريد وتشغيل الأجهزة والكواشف المخبرية من شركات عالمية عديدة. وتقدم متطلبات المختبرات باستخدام أحدث التقنيات في مجال المختبرات السريرية، بالإضافة إلى التعامل مع منتجات خاصة لأغراض البحث و لديها عملاء في جميع أنحاء المملكة
قامت أبورد بتنفيذ نظام أودو للشركة، وشمل ذلك القسم المالي، والفواتير، والمبيعات، والمشتريات، وإدارة المخزون، والاشتراكات، والوثائق، وإدارة الموظفين، وإجازات العمل، والحضور، والتقييمات، والموافقات، مما ساعد الشركة في توفير بيانات دقيقة وفورية لاتخاذ قرارات أكثر دقة لتحسين كبير في الكفاءة التشغيلية وقدرات الإدارة
Health/Social Welfare/Pharmaceutical
Bahrain Philanthropic Society
Bahrain Philanthropic Society is a Charitable Society was established in 1979. A decision to license it was issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs under No. 49/1979 AD on Muharram 2, 1400 AH corresponding to 11/23/1979. The association started its activities in 1400 AH - 1980 AD. Its registration was renewed according to Ministerial Resolution No. 2 of 1991.Bahrain Philanthropic Society Vision is to Pioneering in providing the best humanitarian and charitable services by opening up and cooperating with charitable and humanitarian societies.. Health/Social Welfare/PharmaceuticalBait Al Dawaa
Bait Al Dawaa Pharmacy is a new name entering the pharmaceutical industry , with different concept , from the beginning we kept people at heart of our daily work, trying to help them to have a better life as healthy people means a healthy and happier community. Health/Social Welfare/PharmaceuticalBaslan General Medical Ltd, Baslan Company
Baslan is a privately-owned company, established in 2010 as a pioneering company in the field of medical solutions. Our vision Is to provide high quality products that will create the most suitable conditions for patients as well as a proper working environment for clinician and hospital staff. Health/Social Welfare/PharmaceuticalBay Alarm Medical
Bay Alarm Medical is a healthcare institution that provides high-quality medical alert services and products. They were in search of a uniform solution for their scattered system, so Brainvire implemented the Odoo ERP system to improve subscription management, invoicing processes, and general internal management efficiency. Health/Social Welfare/PharmaceuticalBayouni Trading Co. ltd.
Over the past thirty years, the healthcare and laboratory industry has undergone significant changes as well as consumer expectations, and Bayouni Trading Company (BTC) was able to attain market leadership in providing Lab technology and solutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.BTC has been able to support public and private sectors including various institutions in the industrial, medical, and other industries in the country as well as the Saudi Arabian government in its many projects. Unlike its other competitors in the same industry, BTC is revitalizing itself to adapt to the changing economic and political situation in the country while continuously probe the market to (or “intending to”) maintaining its current leadership and to promote itself to distinguished as an advanced and innovative company in its sector.
For this to happen, BTC is planning to achieve a 10% increment to the company’s overall growth. It aims to increase its sales significantly from 7% to up to 10% based on its previous sales performance.
To strengthen the company from the inside the management will also review and adjust its internal policies as well as provide new guidelines that will refit the overall performance of the enterprise. Likewise, a stronger external support has become larger than necessary, and BTC will continue to strengthen its cooperation with its trading partners mainly MERCK/SIGMA. Health/Social Welfare/Pharmaceutical
Bellavie SPRL
Une gamme innovante de probiotiques, de synbiotiques et de synbioceutiques avec une approche scientifique a concentré les problèmes actuels de santé mondiale.BellaVie offre la seule ligne de synbiotceutiques avec une approche scientifique axée sur les questions de santé mondiale actuelles. BellaVie est un nouveau producteur belge de probiotiques et de synbiotiques spécifiquement orientés vers des questions médicales spécifiques comme "comment stimuler le système immunitaire ?", "comment aider à gérer le stress, le cholestérol, le diabète, la flore vaginale et les maladies infectieuses chez les enfants ?".
Les besoins du client étaient divers :
Disposer d'un outil de vente en ligne multilangue
Disposer en temps réel du niveau des stocks
Base de données clients - analyse et ciblage
Disposer d'un outil intégré, tout en un pour pouvoir gérer facilement la société et le développement de nouveaux marchés
Solution apportée
Mise en place et développement des modules
Site web et ecommerce
Gestion CRM
Gestion stock
Gestion des ventes
Gestion des achats
Dahsboard et reporting
Aujourd'hui le client a pu développer de nombreux et continue à développer son entreprise grâce à Odoo et l'intégration BHC. Health/Social Welfare/Pharmaceutical
Berchtold Medical GmbH & Co. KG
Berchtold Medical GmbH + Co. KGIm Jahr 1973 gründeten Ruth und Konrad Berchtold mit viel Elan und großem Einsatz die Berchtold GmbH in Esslingen. Was zunächst in kleinem Rahmen mit der Produktion von Fußpflegegeräten begann, entwickelte sich innerhalb weniger Jahre so positiv, dass schon bald mit dem Aufbau eines eigenen Vertriebs begonnen wurde. Mit Bernd Berchtold holten sich die Eltern in dieser Aufbauphase Verstärkung aus den eigenen Reihen ins Team - er war maßgeblich an der Entwicklung eines umfassenden Geräteprogramms beteiligt, das bereits 1982 dem Fach- Publikum präsentiert werden konnte. Health/Social Welfare/Pharmaceutical
Bestattung Dobretsberger GmbH
Die Dobretsberger Bestattung ist ein renommiertes Bestattungsunternehmen, das für seine einfühlsame und professionelle Betreuung bekannt ist. Mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung bietet Dobretsberger Bestattung individuelle und würdige Abschiednahmen, die den Wünschen und Bedürfnissen der Angehörigen gerecht werden. Das Team aus engagierten Fachkräften begleitet Familien in ihrer Trauerzeit und sorgt für einen reibungslosen Ablauf aller Formalitäten.Für Dobretsberger Bestattung haben wir mit Odoo den kompletten Webauftritt und die Todesfallverwaltung umgesetzt. Health/Social Welfare/Pharmaceutical