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From Chaos to Clarity: How Odoo Helped Transform the Lives of Women Farmers in Remote Areas
Customer Success Story Industry Community Talk
Poloha: Hall 7.F - 10.11.23 14:30 - 10.11.23 15:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
From Chaos to Clarity: How Odoo Helped Transform the Lives of Women Farmers in Remote Areas
Shahid Bandarkar
Head of Global Sales at Bista Solutions Inc.
Shahid Bandarkar
Head of Global Sales at Bista Solutions Inc.

Shahid Bandarkar is the co-founder, head of Global Sales and VP of Solutions Consulting at Bista Solutions. His charisma combined with over three decades of expertise enables him to thrive across strategy, sales and partnerships. This includes winning long and complex sales cycles with C-level executives. In addition to having extensive experience in the field, Mr. Bandarkar is dubbed as a hand-on engineer who understands business. This means that not only does he have a solid understanding of various technology stacks across industries, he also knows how to best implement them.

The UN Women's Project focuses on empowering women farmers in Mali, Malawi, Haiti, Liberia, and Senegal through technology, and enables them to participate in the agricultural sector. The project's main goal was to help women purchase farming inputs and sell their products on the market; such as rice, cassava, potatoes, and pepper. The key challenges to overcome included internet connectivity and the lack of an eCommerce website and an Android mobile app.

This talk will discuss everything, from the first touch and desired requirements, to the implementation and challenges faced, as well as the results of it all. The features we will look into include weather forecasting notifications, knowledge management, and integration with Orange Money (Liberia) and SMS and Voice SMS.

This success story’s key learnings include the importance of technology in empowering women and the significance of eCommerce platforms for women farmers. Additionally, the project shines light on internet connectivity issues in remote areas. Its value to the audience is immense, particularly to clients in the agricultural sectors, individuals interested in women empowerment, as well as small businesses in remote areas. Simply put, this customer success story showcases the positive impact that such initiatives can have on women farmers, their communities, and the agricultural sector. The project's success is proof that technology and eCommerce platforms can be used to empower women and enhance their participation in various industries, including agriculture.