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Customer Retention Strategies: Building Loyalty with Odoo
Poloha: Hall 10.A - 10.11.23 13:30 - 10.11.23 14:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
Customer Retention Strategies: Building Loyalty with Odoo
Jessica Belloc (ebj)
Jessica Belloc (ebj)

Jessica Belloc, a Sales and marketing App Expert at Odoo, is passionate about new technologies and disruptive innovations. With expertise in marketing strategy, website branding, and positioning, her presentations offer valuable insights and practical strategies for success.

Join us as we delve into the world of effective techniques and strategies that will empower your business to cultivate lasting relationships with your valued customers. 

Discover how Odoo can enhance customer satisfaction, drive repeat purchases, and foster brand loyalty. 

This talk is your key to unlocking the immense potential of customer retention and transforming your business into a trusted and cherished brand.