Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersHotovo
Manage attendance with RFID & Barcode
Sumanth GajulaHotovo
Go online from offline using Odoo as one stop solution
Ankit GauriHotovo
Achieving Excellence in Field Services with Odoo
Chinmay DeshpandeHotovo
Streamlining Processes: Simplify, Automate, and Sign with Odoo Sign
Ritika Saxena (risa)Hotovo
Helpdesk : After sales services
Kiran Borhade (kibo)Hotovo
Recruitment: the perfect experience
Priyanshi Soni (prso)Hotovo
Learning made easy with odoo
Chirag KanabarHotovo
Odoo Delivery Boy App
Vivek SinghHotovo
Effortless Project Management and Timesheet Tracking with Odoo
Disha AgrawalHotovo
Indian Payroll
Poloha: Convention Hall 3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir
24.08.24 15:00
24.08.24 15:30
(30 minut)
Govind T D
Implementation Conusltant
Govind T D
Implementation Conusltant
Govind is a seasoned implementation consultant at Odoo, with a wealth of experience that dates back to Odoo version 14. Since joining the company in 2022, Govind has played a pivotal role in delivering successful Odoo implementations across a wide range of industries. His career, which began in other Odoo partner companies, is marked by a track record of excellence, having contributed to several prestigious projects for his employers.