Koperasi Karyawan Pupuk Kaltim
The Pupuk Kaltim Employee Cooperative officially took the form of a Cooperative Legal Entity which was established on January 9 1985. The deed of establishment was ratified directly by the Head of the Regional Office of the East Kalimantan Province Cooperative Service, namely Mr. Bustam Ismail, Bsc with Number 25 of 1992, with deed of amendment number: 858 / BH /PAD/KWK.17.X/96, dated 3 October 1996 and latest amendment deed number: 287/PAD/M.KUKM.2/II/2017 dated 3 February 2017. They use odoo to manage their operational activities using Modul such as: Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, Inventory and POSVeřejná správa