Company-switching shortcut
Switch between companies faster than ever with keyboard shortcuts ALT SHIFT U
via the new and improved company switcher.
Contacts: search by address
Search for contacts using their address.
Debug menu: model
Access the model from the debug menu.
Error messages
Error messages are easier to read and allow users to share technical details.
Editor: list detection and suggested command buttons
Create numbered lists with keyboard shortcuts such as 1.
; 1)
; A)
or bulleted lists with keyboard shortcuts such as *
and -
In edit mode, suggested command buttons are displayed in the powerbox tooltip.
Dedicated progressive web apps and mobile app installation
Dedicated progressive web apps are now available for Barcode, PoS, Attendances, Kiosk, Registration Desk, and Shop Floor. Directly install the Odoo PWA on mobile devices from the user menu.
Filter records with mobile search panel
Easily filter records on mobile with the new search panel: view and manage filters directly in apps like HR or Expenses without intermediary screens.
Vista de Gantt
The Gantt view allows infinite horizontal scrolling for improved flexibility of rescheduling.
Image import
Import files and images through the importer.
List column width
Improved computation of column width.
Mobile: editor toolbar
The editor's toolbar has been improved for the mobile version.
Occurrence sorting
Records can now be sorted by occurrences when grouped in list view.
Passkeys are a new authentication method which bypass the traditional username and password combination. Instead, it uses the webauthn protocol in order to authenticate the user. This is a phishing resistant and more secure method of authentication.
Readable URLs
Odoo now generates readable URLs like /odoo/project/5/tasks
that show where they lead and can be manually edited more easily.
Barra de cerca
Re-launch a search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the search bar.
Tour revamp
Record and manage onboarding and testing tours of Odoo using the new user interface. Users can also enable and disable onboarding tours from the user menu.
Alerta de factura anòmala
Added a statistics-based alert system to automatically identify abnormal amounts and dates in invoices.
Allow email aliases on MISC journals
Use email aliases on miscellaneous journals to automatically create journal entries from email attachments.
Analytic budgets
New budget management. No more dates on budget lines; no more budgetary positions.
Annual sequence and staggered fiscal years
The fiscal year sequence on journals can differ from calendar years to handle staggered fiscal years.
Ascending/descending report dates
Switch the order of your date columns (ascending/descending) when using date comparisons.
Audit trail improvements
The audit trail has been improved, namely in the context of the GoBD certification in Germany.
Autopost bills
Automatically post bills from chosen vendors.
Bank reconciliation: simplified batch payment matching and statement form view
Batch payments are represented by a single folded line in the Bank reconciliation widget to simplify the matching process. The statement form view can be opened from the Kanban view and includes a chatter with quick navigation to linked transactions.
Bank statement: import and OCR
Bank statements can be imported even when transactions are not sorted by date. Upload PDFs or image files of bank statements to have the OCR extract the transactions automatically.
Bills payment wizard: QR codes
The vendor bills payment wizard integrates QR codes for outgoing payments.
Catalog view in Invoicing
La vista de catàleg ara està disponible en les factures dels clients i dels proveïdors.
Charge bearer
Specify the charge bearer when generating batch payments for ISO20022 payment files.
Check printing layout
Select check layouts in the bank journal settings.
Combine analytic distribution models
Sequences are now available on analytic distribution models, allowing distribution according to multiple models provided that they are distributed on different plans.
Configure layout wizard
The configure layout wizard shown when the user prints their first invoice was improved. The data of the actual invoice is used, the preview display is enhanced, and the QR code for SEPA payments is more easily added.
Credit card journal
A new credit card journal type was added to register credit card payments, upload statements, and handle reconciliation.
Currency exchange rate
The exchange rate is stored on invoices and displayed.
Customized invoice templates
Invoice templates can now be customized with Studio and declared as compatible with the Send & Print flow on invoices.
Date selector
The new date selector on reports enables users to navigate smoothly from one period to another.
Sistema de detecció de factures duplicades
Improved Vendor Bill duplicate detection. Potential duplicates (using Bill references) both in draft and posted entries are looked for in the database before creating the new move. Smart links are available to directly navigate to the potential duplicate(s).
Financial budgets
On the profit and loss report, display and compare the report's figures with financial budgets that are separate from analytic budgets.
Follow-up report, customer statement, and partner ledger revamp
The Follow-up and Customer Statement views and modules were removed and merged. Follow-up reports can be configured to automatically add followers to the client chatter on execution. Miscellaneous entries impacting the client account will be excluded from the reports by default. The Partner Ledger includes additional options and is displayed similarly to a customer statement, with unnecessary columns hidden. It can also be sent directly to customers.
Importació d'imports idèntics
Es pot afegir una columna matching_number a la importació de línies CSV. Odoo espera que tots els moviments de compte associats es comptabilitzin i tracta de reproduir la conciliació un cop comptabilitzats. En cas de fallada, la conciliació importada es descarta.
Installment payments
Registering a payment from the invoice form view considers installment amounts defined on the payment terms. The customer portal clearly displays what has already been paid.
Intercompany transactions
Improve flexibility of managing intercompany transactions by using booleans instead of radio buttons.
Invoice Analysis report
The Invoice Analysis report offers margin and a simple inventory valuation measure based on customer invoices and vendor bills without requiring the Inventory app.
Journal email alias
If an email that contains no usable file is received on an email address set as a journal alias, an automatic response is sent to the sender informing them that no document was received.
Journal report
The UI of the journal report has been simplified. Performance is prioritized over detailed transactions, but detailed transactions remain available for export.
Legal notes on taxes
Specific legal notes can be added to taxes to be shown on documents when the tax is used. This enables covering more granular business cases than legal notes based on fiscal positions.
Loan management
Manage acquired loans with automated adjustments based on your defined or imported amortization schedule.
Lock dates wizard
Allow locking by journal type; add a hard lock date and exceptions management mechanism.
Imports idèntics
Els imports que són idèntics ara es codifiquen per colors. Les coincidències parcials ara especifiquen quins moviments coincideixen parcialment amb un identificador clar.
Multi-ledger usability has been improved in multi-company settings for better grouping, default selection, and filtering.
New documents layout
Three new document layouts were added for more customizations.
New product widget
Products and descriptions are now combined in a single column in invoice line edition.
OSS periodicity
OSS reports now follow their own periodic schedule, separate from the fiscal one. OSS sales reports are filed quarterly, while IOSS reports are filed monthly.
Overdue invoices and online payments
Customers are shown overdue amounts on their portal. Smart links are provided both on the portal and in follow-up reports to proceed with quick online payment of overdue amounts.
Partner payment method
Specify preferred payment methods per partner (incoming and outgoing). You can then filter and group invoices per payment method to create payments in mass more easily. When a payment for a specific partner is created, that partner's preferred payment method will be selected by default.
Condicions de pagament
Ara hi ha un nou tipus de càlcul del termini de pagament: «Dies a final del mes el»
Payments without accounting entries
Payments do not create an accounting move unless an outstanding account is set on the linked payment method.
Send invoices on the Peppol network while still receiving your bills in any other system.
PO/Bill matching
Advanced PO matching: A new screen is available to manually match open purchase order lines and vendor bill lines together. You can also create completely new purchase orders directly from vendor bill lines and add lines as down payments on existing purchase orders.
Preferred invoicing method
Define a preferred invoice-sending method and e-Invoice format for contacts to simplify the batch-sending process. Customers can then manage their preferences from the portal.
Send & Print visibility
The visibility of the Send & Print feature has been improved.
Reconciliation models: generate invoice/bill
New reconciliation model types to create a customer invoice or vendor bill directly from a bank transaction.
Reconciliation wizard
The amount is editable when reconciling a single journal item through the reconciliation wizard, allowing for partial write-offs.
Register payment on draft invoices
It is now possible to register payments on draft invoices and bills via the action menu.
Sales taxes price included/excluded
All standard sales taxes now follow a new company setting defining them as price-included or price-excluded, making onboarding and database setup easier. Individual taxes can be forced as being price-included or price-excluded when needed, overriding the default company setting.
SEPA Direct Debit (SDD)
The SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) flow and UX have been improved. Mandates can be sent through a Send & Print action. The pre-notification period is chosen on the mandate and determines when the mandatory notification will be sent to a debtor before a collection.
SEPA ISO 20022
The SEPA module has been refactored to clearly distinguish between the ISO20022 and SEPA payment methods.
Shared accounts between companies
The same account can now belong to multiple companies, and accounts from different companies can be merged.
Split balance sheet horizontally
Balance sheet can now be presented in two halves next to each other to satisfy various regional display preferences.
UBL invoice import
When importing a UBL (XML) invoice, Odoo will populate the bank account found in the XML on the partner if possible.
Updating imported invoice lines
Add information (e.g., products and tax analytics) to invoice lines imported via electronic invoicing or OCR without impacting the imported information and amounts.
Warning for potential duplicate invoices
A warning is displayed when editing a customer invoice if it is a suspected duplicate of another one by comparing the customer, the date of the invoice, and its amount.
Argentina 🇦🇷
Comptabilitat: ara pots efectuar múltiples validacions quan registres un pagament. S'ha dut a terme una millora del resum de l'IVA amb detalls addicionals sobre els impostos. El càlcul dels impostos de retenció s'ha automatitzat i s'ha millorat la compatibilitat de les retencions en el moment de creació d'un pagament.
Australia 🇦🇺
Accounting: Australian taxes have been cleaned up to better suit the market. TPAR taxes are now archived by default. Importers can now manage deferred GST (DGST) entries and related monthly BAS closing easily. Added support for tracking deferred GST. Added new "W" payroll sections to the BAS report. Added new flow to support other amounts withheld (W3).
Payroll: Complete Payroll revamp: Combined all rules in a single salary structure. Updated the new 2024-2025 tax schedule rates. Added the necessary code to submit official compliance tests for STP Phase 2 and SuperStream [Compliance in process]. Completely revamped other input types and super contributions. Added the possibility to import YTD balances for employees transitioning to Odoo Payroll. Completed child support and Medicare levy variation flows. Batch payments directly from a payslip batch, and reconcile them easily. Payroll is linked to Expenses and Accounting for Australian businesses. Termination payments: the whole of tax schedule 7 (from the ATO) has been implemented for unused leaves. Withholding variation can also now also be applied to unused leaves as per variation notice. Added support for Ordinary Time Earnings. Manage both super guarantee and concessional super contributions. Manage workplace giving and director fees.
Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Accounting: The chart of accounts, fiscal positions, taxes, tax report, corporate tax report, and a list of states have been added.
Nòmina: la nova localització inclou el càlcul de les regles salarials, la gestió dels crèdits fiscals de l'import sobre la renda i els càlculs del tram d'impostos sobre la renda.
Belgium 🇧🇪
Accounting: The Individual Accounts report was improved and displays more content.
Payroll: Export work entries to Group S, Partena, and UCM. The end of the notice period is computed more accurately.
Brazil 🇧🇷
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el tipus d'operació a seleccionar en la factura o en la comanda de venda per a gestionar més casos de CFOP. S'ha implementat la facturació electrònica i, Avalara, el servei de càlcul d'impostos que s'utilitza en el Brasil. Ara pots definir un codi CNAE per defecte en una empresa o seleccionar un codi específic per a un contacte o una factura. S'ha inclòs el mètode de pagament PIX per a obtenir els pagaments. L'aplicació Comerç electrònic s'ha adaptat perquè funcioni millor amb els impostos i amb l'emissió de factures EDI. També és possible crear factures de proveïdor a partir d'una importació NF-e XML.
Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el Banc Nacional de Bulgària com a proveïdor disponible de tipus de canvi de divisa.
Canada 🇨🇦
Accounting: Generate batch payments to vendors (EFT) through a CPA005 file.
China 🇨🇳
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit un pla comptable per a les grans empreses en la Xina.
Colombia 🇨🇴
Accounting: Implemented e-Invoicing with DIAN. The eCommerce checkout process has been updated to make it compatible with the DIAN requirements on electronic invoices. Banco de la Republica de Colombia was added as a currency rate provider.
Cyprus 🇨🇾
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (plans comptables, impostos, posicions fiscals, balanç, compte de pèrdues i guanys i informes fiscals).
Accounting: The DIN5008 report for the DACH region is implemented in XML instead of Python, increasing flexibility when editing.
Ecuador 🇪🇨
Accounting: Integrated purchase reimbursement flow. Integrated EDI invoice management with the eCommerce workflow. Portal contact information is now editable. Select the withholding base account to be used. Global discounts and negative lines on electronic invoices are supported.
Egipte 🇪🇬
Nòmina: s'han afegit les regles EOS segons les darreres actualitzacions dels trams de tipus impositiu per incloure el 27,5 % i el valor de l'import mínim de la base imposable. També s'ha afegit un nou informe principal sobre els salaris que permet que l'usuari calculi la suma total dels salaris mensualment.
Estonia 🇪🇪
Accounting: Updated VAT for Estonia.
Guatemala 🇬🇹
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el Banc de Guatemala com a proveïdor de tipus de canvi de divisa.
Hongria 🇭🇺
Accounting: Implemented e-Invoicing (starting from 17 onwards).
India 🇮🇳
Accounting: The ENet Payment CSV generator module allows to generate CSV files for vendor payments. Fetch vendor bills, credit notes, and debit notes from the GST portal.
Nòmina: revisió dels informes. Els departaments ara estan disponibles en les nòmines.
Time Off: Set a time-off type as sandwich leave.
Indonesia 🇮🇩
Accounting: Added Bank Indonesia as currency rate provider. The payment status via QRIS in the portal is now fetched. Added QRIS QR code to invoices on the portal. Improved e-Faktur range and document management.
Nòmina: s'ha inclòs la localització.
Punt de venda: s'han obtingut els estats de pagament per a les transaccions QR QRIS dels bancs.
Jordània 🇯🇴
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base: plans comptables, impostos, informes fiscals i llista d'estats.
Nòmina: la nova localització inclou el càlcul del salari base, els trams de tipus impositiu, l'impost nacional de cotització i la seguretat social.
Kenya 🇰🇪
Accounting: Now compliant with the new Kenyan ETIMS system, including the OSCU checklist.
Nòmina s'ha afegit l'informe principal.
Korea 🇰🇷
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit la llista de províncies i de ciutats metropolitanes.
Kuwait 🇰🇼
Accounting: The chart of accounts has been added.
Luxembourg 🇱🇺
Nòmina: revisió de la localització i millora del càlcul mensual i de la gratificació.
Malaysia 🇲🇾
Accounting: Implemented e-Invoicing with Peppol PINT Malaysia. Added the statement of account report. Added Bank Negara Malaysia as a currency rate provider.
Mauritius 🇲🇺
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (impostos, posicions fiscals i informe fiscal).
Mexico 🇲🇽
Accounting: Improved XML invoice import: withholding taxes support, improved bill duplicate detection using the Folio Fiscal ID, invoices are marked as "to check" when a potential problem occurs during the import (such as bad tax detection). Simplified Addenda management. Implemented delivery guide update 3.1 (available from Odoo 15). You can edit the payment way to declare in the CFDI payment complement directly on a bank transaction (without needing a payment in between). Cuenta Predial values added on products are included in the products' CFDIs. Configure and add local taxes in the CFDIs generated in Odoo. The RegimenFiscal, if specific to a branch, is taken into account when emitting a CFDI, even if the certificate and the RFC number belong to the main company. The Complemento de Pago payment cancellation flow with replacement has been improved. Added the Complemento de pago generation for generic customers.
Morocco 🇲🇦
Accounting: Export the tax report in XML format. The ICE (Identifiant Commun de l'Entreprise) is now displayed on invoices to ensure compliance with Moroccan regulations.
New Zealand 🇳🇿
Accounting: You can now pay NZ suppliers faster by downloading batch payments in the EFT Batch Transfers format for the following banks: Westpac, BNZ, 8ANZ, ASB. Added Remittance Advice Report. Configure a start date for the fiscal period that is different from January 1st.
Nòmina: la integració d'Employment Hero ara està disponible per a Nova Zelanda.
Nigeria 🇳🇬
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (impostos, posicions fiscals, informe i retenció fiscals).
Pakistan 🇵🇰
Accounting: The existing withholding taxes have been improved and new ones introduced. Two new tax reports are also available and the list of states has been added.
Payroll: New localization including basic salary calculations, tax brackets, and tax deductions.
Peru 🇵🇪
Accounting: Added the detraction amount to the invoice's PDF report. Integrated EDI management with the Point of Sale order and eCommerce order workflows. The PLE 12.1 and PLE 13.1 inventory reports have been added for detailed inventory tracking. The PLE 1.1 and 1.2 reports have been added to track all cash transactions and current account operations, including inflows, outflows, deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.
Philippines 🇵🇭
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el nou formulari d'impostos 2550Q (versió 2023) i el SLSP. S'ha inclòs el nou format estàndard d'impressió de xecs (disponible a partir de la versió 17.0). S'han afegit la rentenció d'impostos i la compatibilitat amb els informes SAWT i QAP.
Qatar 🇶🇦
Accounting: The chart of accounts has been added.
Romania 🇷🇴
Accounting: Implemented the E-factura sending to SPV, as well as the flow required to get Access Tokens from ANAF to use the web services.
Rwanda 🇷🇼
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (plans comptables, impostos, posicions fiscals, balanç, compte de pèrdues i guanys i informes fiscals).
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
Nòmina: s'ha afegit un nou informe principal sobre els salaris que permet que l'usuari calculi la suma total dels salaris mensualment. Els càlculs de fi de servei també s'han millorat i els càlculs de GOSI han estat actualitzats. Ara pots generar el fitxer SIF en el marc del procés de pagament del sistema de protecció salarial (WPS).
Singapore 🇸🇬
Sincronitza els teus assentaments comptables amb Odoo a partir d'Employment Hero (fins ara Keypay).
Espanya 🇪🇸
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit la possibilitat d'emplenar els períodes de facturació i de modificar els mètodes de pagament en les factures Facturae. Envia les factures de proveïdor a través del sistema Batuz. S'han afegit nous tipus de contactes en l'apartat de contactes per garantir-ne la compatibilitat de les factures electròniques amb els centres administratius. S'ha afegit el model 130 de l'AEAT. El model 303 s'ha actualitzat amb les modificacions implementades per l'AEAT durant el tercer trimestre de 2024. La implementació de TicketBAI s'ha actualitzat i s'activa per mitjà del botó «Enviar i imprimir». Punt de venda: TicketBAI permet enviar factures simplificades directament a partir en les comandes de venda sense haver de crear moviments de compte separats,
Accounting: Each of the 17 member countries of SYSCOHADA now has its own localization module. They all have their own taxes and tax report configured while having the common OHADA chart of accounts. The new NPFE-specific chart of accounts and industry-dependent reports have been implemented based on the SYCEBNL referential.
Nòmina: la nova localització inclou el càlcul del salari base, els trams de tipus impositiu, l'impost nacional de cotització i la seguretat social.
Tanzania 🇹🇿
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (plans comptables, impostos, posicions fiscals, informes fiscals, balanç i compte de pèrdues i guanys).
Thailand 🇹🇭
Accounting: The Bank of Thailand has been added as a currency rate provider.
Turkey 🇹🇷
Accounting: A default return from sales account is now defined in the sales journal and product form. New taxes and a new tax report have been introduced.
Payroll: New localization including social security premium/insurance calculations for employment and unemployment added to the salary rules; income tax calculations added, as well as stamp tax deductions for more accurate taxation results.
Uganda 🇺🇬
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base: plans comptables, impostos, posicions fiscals i l'informe fiscal.
United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪
Accounting: The corporate tax report has been added. Configure a start date for the fiscal period that is different from January 1st.
Nòmina: s'ha afegit un nou informe principal sobre els salaris que permet que l'usuari calculi la suma total dels salaris mensualment. Ara pots generar el fitxer SIF en el marc del procés de pagament del sistema de protecció salarial (WPS). Les regles salarials s'han actualitzat per incloure la provisió, l'assegurança social, DEWS, els dies no contemplats en el contracte, el pagament dels dies restants d'absència, altres components per a primes, endarreriments o deutes pendents i altres compensacions. El càlcul EOS També s'ha actualitzat per a tenir en compte el càlcul de zones franques. Els formats d'impressió de les nòmines s'ha actualitzat i s'ha introduït format d'impressió de fi de servei.
United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Accounting: Several UK-based companies on the same database can now simultaneously connect to HMRC without needing to manually remove credentials. Configure a start date for the fiscal period that is different from January 1st.
Els Estats Units 🇺🇸
Comptabilitat: les empreses poden imprimir els seus xecs en paper de xec en blanc directament des d'Odoo sense dependre d'un tercer que imprimeixi el format. L'impost creat amb el mòdul Avatax conté etiquetes més curtes i utilitza grups d'impostos per a millorar la visualització. També s'ha afegit un mòdul de compatibilitat entre el mòdul d'Amazon i el càlcul d'impostos Avalara.
Payroll: Display the accrued time in the payslip period on the printed payslip. Alabama, Nevada, Washington, and Colorado are now covered, including the workers' compensation for Washington State. Generate a CSV file with an overview of the hours worked and time off to import into ADP.
Uruguay 🇺🇾
Comptabilitat: s'ha actualitzat el paquet de localització de base (plans comptables, dependències del mòdul LATAM). S'ha implementat la facturació electrònica de la DGI via Uruware.
Vietnam 🇻🇳
Accounting: The tax report has been updated. Integration with SInvoice for e-Invoicing has been implemented.
Zambia 🇿🇲
Comptabilitat: s'ha afegit el paquet de localització de base (plans comptables, impostos, posicions fiscals, balanç i compte de pèrdues i guanys).
Appointment types: chatter and template
The appointment type form now features a chatter. Load an appointment type template to get started quickly.
Booking status
Manage your bookings' status (requests, booked, no-show, etc.).
Confirmation customization
Customize your Appointments page to hide details you don't need such as timezone or duration.
Conflicting meetings warning
Get a warning when an attendee already has a meeting planned, even if the Employees on Appointments module is not installed.
Duplicate bookings detection
Visitors get a warning when booking a potential duplicate meeting.
Dynamic snippet
Specific appointment types are now showcased in a dedicated snippet.
Instantaneous confirmation emails
Appointment confirmation emails are sent instantly after the booking is confirmed.
Payment by seat quantity
Allow customers to pay based on the number of seats they book.
Share availability
Configure your custom availability link in a simplified form.
Gestió dels empleats en un entorn multiempresa
Ara pots gestionar els empleats i les avaluacions en un entorn multiempresa.
360 feedback
Resend the request for 360 feedbacks for multiple employees at once.
New notification option
Choose to follow an appraisal and to get notified of 360 feedback answers.
New onboarding screen
Demo data has been improved to remove code complexity and multi-app usage errors.
Request hierarchy
The creator of the appraisal, in case of higher management action, is automatically added to the appraisal.
Added new filters and "group by" options.
Extra hours validation
Validate all or partial values of the extra hours worked.
Automatic check-out and missing hours
The settings for automatic check-out and absence management have been added.
Improved UX
Revamped multiple UX aspects.
Codi de barres
New design
A new design improves the user experience.
Create product with barcode lookup database
Scanning a new product that belongs to the barcode lookup database prompts creating a new product complete with editable information from the barcode lookup database.
Group batch lines and disable add product
Group batch lines of the same product. Disable adding unwanted products in picking.
Hide quantities
It is possible to hide supposed quantity on inventory adjustments.
Hide reserved lots and serial numbers
It is possible to hide reserved lots and serial numbers on transfers.
Multiple serial numbers scan
Generate QR codes containing all the serial numbers contained in a package and scan them on receipts to record lots and serial numbers en masse.
RFID support
Use an RFID scanner for superfast receipts and inventory adjustments of products with RFID labels.
Scan transfers
Filter batches by scanning a transfer, a product, or a package.
Serial numbers and lots improvements
It is possible to scan a lot or serial number from the Barcode main screen to show its details.
Sign delivery
Companies who make their own deliveries can now sign these deliveries by scanning a barcode.
Durada predeterminada d'una cita
Defineix la durada predeterminada d'una cita en enregistrar-la com un valor per defecte definit per a l'usuari.
Expected revenue
The expected revenue for leads is updated upon quote confirmation.
Manage dashboard sharing
Publish dashboards to make them visible to others or keep them private.
Company-specific dashboards
Define a company for your dashboards.
New dashboards
The following dashboards were added: Purchase & Vendor analysis, Operation analysis, POS - Restaurant, Warehouse Daily Analysis, Warehouse Metrics, and Email Marketing.
Mencionar a @tothom
Ping all channel members at once without mentioning them individually.
Activities: list view and mass actions
Go through the activities of the day thanks to a comprehensive list view and manage them using the list view buttons.
Activity plans: timing
Define the timing of each activity of an activity plan.
Actual chatter in portal
Portal users can now interact more easily: add reactions, copy message links, and edit or delete their messages directly in the portal's chat.
Go back to the previous view when opening Discuss thanks to the breadcrumbs.
Respostes predefinides
You now need to manually select the canned response for it to be inserted. Canned responses can be private or shared.
Finestra de xat
Minimized chats appear as bubbles in a more natural order.
Configuration improvements
Improved notification management through the configuration and adjustable default settings through the general menu.
Copy message link
Share the content of a message from another thread via a link.
Emails: dynamic placeholders
Dynamic placeholders can be inserted in emails using a dedicated button.
Heavy attachments
In order to prevent email servers from refusing emails, heavy attachments are now turned into links.
Mail composer
The mail composer has been improved.
Message scheduling
Schedule messages to be sent later.
Mobile push to talk
In a call's settings, choose from Voice Detection or Push to Talk options.
New message separator
Easily identify new messages with a separator that appears above the last unread message.
Persistent composer
Stop losing the content of your messages when switching from the full to the small composer of the chatter due to a network connectivity issue or accidentally clicking the close icon.
Sub-threads have been introduced to enable secondary discussions within a channel.
Attachment smart button
The document smart button connects accounting records to related documents.
Automated document deletion
If Files Centralization is enabled, deleting a record will send its attachments to the trash in Documents.
Full resolution images
Full resolution is kept when uploading documents.
Dreceres en l'eina de divisió de PDF
Use hot keys to perform actions in the Split PDF tool.
Preset splits and selection
in the Split PDF tool to split the doc on blank pages and remove them.
Workspace sharing
You can now share a workspace from the workspace navigation panel.
Workspace, rights & share management
The app has been revamped with a new design and new rights, share, folder, and action management.
Fitxers XML amb un PDF integrat
Previsualitza els fitxers XML que contenen un PDF integrat.
Comerç electrònic
Attribute selection follows users
If you apply filters on the shop page of your eCommerce, the correct variants will be selected when navigating to your product pages.
Click & Collect
The new Click & Collect feature allows customers to check the in-store stock and pick up their order at the store of their choice.
Delivery form moved to checkout
Users can now select their preferred delivery method during the delivery stage of the checkout.
Display product.template
Show product templates instead of variants in the "Products" building block, if desired.
Configure products
eCommerce products can now be entirely configured from the backend.
Mega menus
Build your mega menu based on eCommerce categories.
New interface for pick-up points
A new pick-up point interface is now available for both SendCloud and Fedex.
Customizable category pages
Customize product category pages with building blocks.
Optimized product images
Product images are converted to the WebP format on the website when uploaded from the backend.
Product ribbons for variants
Create ribbons easily and apply them exclusively to product variants, not just product templates.
Save for later
Customers can now move products to their wishlist directly from the cart.
Shop display options
Decide whether all users or only those who are logged in can access your /shop page. If the latter is chosen, unlogged users won't have any visibility into your product catalog.
Sign in/up button visibility
When unlogged customers place an online order, they must first enter their email address and have the option to sign in directly. If enabled in the website settings, they can also subscribe to your newsletter at this step.
Aprenentatge en línia
Sequences on additional resources
The order of the additional resources added to a course's content is now kept on the front end.
Màrqueting per correu electrònic
Opt-out reporting
Use the opt-out report to see why subscribers unsubscribe.
Optional contact name split
Split mailing contacts into a first and last name.
Recipient clicks
See which recipients clicked links in mailings.
Tracker granularity
Track multiple links leading to the same URL and see which one gets the most clicks.
Activity plan and UX improvements
Activity plans for employees now handle unlinked managers more efficiently. The UX has also been improved, with a new Payroll tab, support for legal names, etc.
Attendance management
The Advance presence control settings have been reworked, and the Presence report has been removed, with all its options now available from the Employees' Kanban view.
Previsualització de l'avatar
En les aplicacions Planificació, Fulls d'hores i Recursos Humans, quan fas clic en l'avatar, pots obtindre una vista general sobre els rols i les competències dels teus recursos.
Back from leave date smart button
View when employees are back from leave using a dedicated smart button.
Bulk signature requests
Request signatures from a selection of employees in list view.
Department manager visibility
Managers can view reports and information concerning their teams without needing additional access rights in HR.
Organization chart: new filters
New filters have been added to the organization chart.
Employees' bank accounts
Manage employees' bank accounts from the Employees app using a dedicated menu.
Skill colors
Define colors on skill categories.
Events from Point of Sale
Sell events from Point of Sale.
Pop-up register button
Attendees can now register from any page.
Retroactive lead creation
Retroactively create leads from your event attendees.
Allow everyone, only logged-in users, or anyone with a link to register for an event.
Add vendor for expenses paid by company
Employees can now specify the vendor of expenses paid by company to improve information completeness and ease the bank reconciliation process.
Create draft entry after approval
Entries are created in draft after manager approval rather than being created and posted simultaneously at the "Post" stage. This gives greater flexibility to the accountant, who can manage everything from the Accounting app, and it simplifies the synchronization of statuses between Expenses and Accounting.
Report in next payslip improvements
The interoperability between the Expenses and Payroll applications is improved. Posting the miscellaneous salary entry triggers the expense vendor bill creation, post, and reconciliation. The vendor bill is immediately reconciled with its payable counterpart in the miscellaneous entry and is marked as paid. Moreover, users can now remove expense reports from draft or cancelled payslips.
Servei de camp
Vista de Gantt
Easily dispatch unassigned tasks from the Gantt view when filtering for specific users.
Pick up products
View the products to pick up for field service tasks through a smart button.
Plan by location
Group field service tasks by location to plan efficient travel between job sites.
Simplified mobile view
Navigate tasks easily with a simplified mobile form view for onsite workers.
Assigna tasques a les persones adequades en funció de les seves competències.
Contract UX uniformization
Changed the vehicle stages and made various usability improvements.
Mass email drivers
Envia un correu a un grup de conductors per mitjà de l'assistent de correu.
Forum improvements
Create helpdesk tickets from forum posts.
Batch and wave picking improvements
Automate wave picking creation. When grouping transfers into waves/batches, the elements common to all transfers, such as contact or location, appear in the wave/batch's description.
Create backorders in advance
Split pickings before validating, allowing deliveries at two different locations or dates.
Cross-company lots/serials
Lots and serial numbers are now fully traceable through multiple companies. When doing an inter-company transfer, serial and lot numbers remain.
Dashboard UX
Revamped the Inventory dashboard UX.
Dispatch management system
Organize delivery rounds and manage shipments with your own fleet or third-party logistics.
Eased return process
When creating a return, create a new transfer to send new products back.
Editar la ubicació d'un paquet
Change the location of a package without creating any transfer and move packages using the Kanban view.
Editing layer values
Edit specific valuation layers for revaluation.
Inventory reports UX
Inventory reporting menu revamp.
Make to stock and order
When a rule is set as "Take from stock, if not available, trigger another rule", launch a procurement for only the quantity missing from the new move.
Entrada manual dels codis de barres
You can now enter barcode numbers manually.
Next transfer button
A new smart button has been added to transfers to show the next linked transfers.
Pull to push rules and flexible routes
Push rules are now triggered when a transfer is validated. Transfers are not created in advance, allowing more flexibility. Transfers waiting for another transfer are no longer polluting the space. All default multi-step routes have been redesigned to reflect this change.
Estratègies d'emmagatzematge
Improved putaway rules put incoming products where other quantities of the same product are or have been.
Tracking at delivery
To ease the transfer of tracked products that are not tracked at reception, they appear as non-tracked products in transfers.
User rights: inventory adjustments
Users can now apply inventory adjustments.
Valuation by lot/serial number
Each lot or serial number of the same product now has a separate valuation.
View empty locations
See which locations are empty from the locations list view.
Organització d'articles
Navega entre els articles per mitjà d'una estructura jeràrquica en forma d'arbre que es pot expandir i col·lapsar.
Calendar start/end display
Define the start/end time of the calendar in an article.
Excalidraw boards
Insert Excalidraw drawing boards into Knowledge articles.
Hierarchy navigation
Locate the article you are reading with the new top bar.
Search full text
Search inside Knowledge articles through a new search interface.
Shared articles
When a published article is shared, the "public article" navigation panel is no longer displayed.
Xat en directe
Discuss and command palette shortcuts
Join or leave Live Chat channels directly from the Discuss app or the command palette.
Property fields for maintenance tasks
Create property fields for maintenance tasks.
Pla mestre de producció
The design has been updated. The following features have been implemented: yearly planning, automatic replenishment mechanism, maximum batch sizes for manufacturing replenishments, and import template. When accessed from a bill of materials, the MPS is available across all BoM levels for full visibility.
Mass production of serial numbers
Specify component consumption in the revamped mass production wizard.
Work in progress
Post work-in-progress journal entries for ongoing productions to record material and labor consumption in the balance sheet.
BoM Overview
Availability now also takes into account work center availability.
Automatització del màrqueting
Activity summary
An interactive summary explains plainly what the activity will do.
Choose server
Select which mail server is used for automation campaign mailings.
Templates for e-Commerce flows
Marketing automation templates have been added for e-Commerce flows.
WhatsApp message as an activity
Schedule WhatsApp messages for your Marketing Automation campaigns.
Marketing Card
New social app
Promote events through community marketing, and track speakers, attendees, and sponsors.
Sales de reunió
Full screen mode
The Meeting Rooms app now supports full-screen display.
Pagaments en línia
Display unavailable payment methods
Payment forms now display unavailable payment methods to internal users in debug mode for them to better understand why a given payment method is available or not.
Razorpay now supports tokenization. Razorpay now supports EMI plans as a payment method.
Removed deprecated modules
The Alipay, PayU Latam, and PayUmoney payment providers have been removed.
Tokenization is now supported for Xendit.
The "Twint" payment method has been added.
Worldline is available as an online payment provider for Europe. It replaces the Ogone and SIPS payment providers.
PayPal is integrated with a new payment flow allowing customers to pay without leaving Odoo.
Automatic localization installation
The localization is automatically installed if it exists for your country.
Advertències en el tauler
Les advertències del tauler ara inclouen opcions addicionals.
Flexible number of roles
It is now possible to have more than two roles that must sign a contract.
Generate payslips
The Generate payslips wizard has been reworked for a better selection.
View your headcounts based on contracts at any given time.
Offer smartbutton
Navigate between signed offers and contracts with a smartbutton.
Payslip template
Define a payslip template structure, with new styles available for both the classic and light templates.
Rule condition/computation based on inputs
Define salary rules with the "Other Input" condition/computation type.
Salary Attachment Types
Salary Attachment Types have been combined with Other Input Types.
Salary configurator: bicycle categories
Fleet: in the salary configurator, bicycles are displayed in categories.
Search salary rules by code
Search salary rules by python code which will search into the rules conditions and computation code.
Title, job position, and department
The employee's title, job position, and department are only updated at the start of their new contract.
Uniformization of payment report
A generic payment wizard is available across localizations. It is possible to generate a CSV file for every case.
Year-to-date computation
Set the year-to-date computation on payslips, depending on the structure, with a customizable end-of-year date.
Consider availability
Prevent scheduling shifts on days when employees are unavailable to work by considering availability when generating recurring shifts.
Flexible working calendars
Configure fully flexible work schedules for employees, with no fixed daily hours, weekly hours, or designated working days.
Anàlisi d'hores amb un codi de color en la vista de Gantt
Quickly identify under- or over-assigned hours in Gantt view by grouping employees.
Integration with Rental
When a sales order with a rental product configured to plan services is confirmed, the shift is automatically scheduled for the rental period.
Shift unsplitting in the Gantt view
Unsplit a shift in the Gantt view with a single action.
Anul·lar l'acció «planificació automàtica»
Anul·la l'acció «planificació automàtica» per eliminar instantàniament tots els torns de treball i les comandes de venda programades automàticament.
Shift unscheduling
Shifts can be unscheduled from the Gantt view using a dedicated button.
UX improvement
Specify whether the engineering change order (ECO) updates the version of the product or bill of materials. A dedicated section was also added for work order instructions.
Punt de venda
AvaTax is fully integrated into PoS.
Cash difference logging
Opening and closing counts of the cash register are now always logged in the PoS Session record.
Create products in PoS
Creating and editing products is now possible directly from the Point of Sale application.
Customer display
The customer display can now be used on any remote device without needing an IoT box.
Editable payment methods
Payment methods are now editable before printing the receipt.
PoS redesign
Fully redesigned the Point of Sale front end with a focus on simplicity and user experience.
QR code payments
Customers can now pay using their bank application.
Restaurant: predefined internal notes
Define frequently used internal notes (e.g., "No dressing" or "Emergency") to be added to orders with the click of a button.
Restaurant: table merge
Quickly merge tables to centralize orders, e.g. for big groups of people.
Hores assignades en la barra de progrés de Gantt
Employees' workload is now displayed in the Gantt view progress bar, based on task time allocation.
Analytic plans on projects
Get clear financial reports by assigning project costs and revenues to different analytic plans. Use analytic entries to track landed costs and track costs/revenues from stock pickings. Re-invoice delivered products and configure products to automatically create tasks in the projects specified in your quotations.
Gràfics burn-up
Get a burn-up chart analysis for your projects
Consider deadlines
Automatically consider deadlines when scheduling tasks in batches from the Gantt view.
Display deadlines in Gantt view
View at a glance the start and end dates of a project from the Gantt view of its tasks.
Vista Kanban: creació de subtasques
Create sub-tasks from the Kanban cards of your tasks
Optimized task hours
The hours allocated for your tasks are now based on their planned dates.
Project sharing
Portal users can now be granted edit access to all project tasks or only the ones they follow. With full edit access, they can choose which communications to follow. They can also @mention other followers in tasks.
Top bar to browse related project records
Navigate to related records like timesheets and invoices from the task Kanban view using embedded actions in the control panel. Add custom actions, and choose to share them or keep them private.
Seguiment de les revisions de tasques
Supervisa les modificacions de la descripció d'una tasca i reverteix la tasca a versions anteriors.
Amounts in local currency
View totals in company currency on purchase orders and compare alternatives using company currency.
New purchase agreement type
Added a new type of purchase agreement to create requests for quotation with fixed quantities easily.
RFQ management from email/portal
Customers can accept or decline requests for quotation from an email or the customer portal.
Tracked products: generate lot numbers
Generate lot numbers when receiving tracked products.
Quality checks with spreadsheets
Use spreadsheets for quality checks.
On-demand control frequency
The on-demand control frequency type has been added for quality control points.
Improved reporting for quantity passed/failed.
Drets d'accés
Recruitment access rights no longer affect Employee access rights.
Duplicated applications management
Display information about duplicated applications on the website. Recruiters can refuse all duplicates at once.
Email parsing
An email parsing menu defines new parsing rules that allow extracting the applicant name from generic job boards application email.
Job forms: conditional questions
Fields in a job form can now be displayed only for a specific job description.
Jobs section
The jobs page of your website is now included in the menu.
Mass email templates
Use an email template when sending an email to multiple applicants at once.
Monster integration
Post job positions on job boards such as Monster directly from Odoo.
New Candidate model
A new Candidate model has been introduced to help process multiple applications at the same time.
Referral campaigns
Initiate a referral campaign for a job position from the recruitment app and send it to a set of employees.
Refuse an offer
In the salary configurator, use the feedback button to discuss with the recruiter. In Recruitment, refuse an offer and provide a reason.
Skills on job position
Match the skills of a job position with applicants of the pool to find suited applicants.
Refused referees filter
Added a filter to see refused referees.
Send by SMS
Send referral links to job positions by SMS.
Send by Whatsapp
Send referral links to job positions by WhatsApp.
Quality checks are now also available for repair orders. Specify different locations for the final product and components.
Shopee integration
Fetch orders and delivery slips, and sync inventory levels with the Shopee integration.
Connector d'Amazon
Es crea una comanda gratuïta quan un producte es reemplaça per Amazon.
Attribute values removal
You can now delete attribute values that are no longer in use, even if they were previously used in some products (you must remove them from those products first).
Combo products
Combo products are now available in the eCommerce and Sales applications. They allow combining several products into a single one with the possibility for customers to pick from multiple choices.
Commission plans
Manage the commission plans of sales teams.
Custom zones in PDF quote builder
The PDF Quote builder is now more flexible. Choose when to use it, which documents to use, and insert text specific to each quote in the PDF.
Customer view notification for quotations
Salespersons can decide if they want to receive a notification when the customer views the quotation.
Dynamic sale description from quotation template
Provide product descriptions in the quotation template to use them in quotations created from that template.
EDI for orders
Drag and drop your customer's purchase order to create a new sales order. If the purchase order comes from Odoo or contains the correct XML information, the order will be prefilled.
Connect Odoo with Gelato, a print-on-demand service.
Manage parent categories
Child categories are included in global filters.
Portal: loyalty cards and eWallet
Customers with access to the customer portal can find and consult the balance of their Loyalty cards and eWallet.
PDF quote builder improvements
Any field of the model (even customized ones) can now be used in the PDF quote builder.
Pricelist revamp and print formats
Pricelist views and usages have been simplified. Pricelists can now be generated in PDF, CSV, or XLSX format.
Product documents on email templates
The "Send quotation" and "Order confirmation" email templates have been adapted to mention product documents available for the customer in the portal.
Product form view improvements
The product form view and model has been reworked. Storable and Consumable product types have been replaced by Goods, and the Tracked field determines if and how the product is tracked.
Product prices
Product prices modified on sales order lines are no longer recomputed when the quantity is changed.
Product updates for attribute changes
Update all products when adding an attribute value or changing the extra cost of an existing value.
Product descriptions
Products and descriptions are combined in a single column when editing sales order lines.
Quotation templates sequence
Sort quotation templates by order of importance.
Removed deprecated modules
The eBay Connector has been removed.
Shopee integration
The eBay Connector has been removed.
Millora de l'experiència d'usuari
Add operations in any order and add notes. Instruction steps are folded by default.
Default sign template
Select a default sign template on your activity type.
Document signature request
Request a signature from any document in Odoo and be notified when it is signed.
Optional reminders
Control signature reminders and disable them in a single click.
Radio buttons
Radio buttons can now be added to documents from the Fields list.
Màrqueting social
Post customization by network
Customize your content by splitting posts across networks to better suit each audience.
Image-only posts
Publish posts only containing an image on social media.
Instagram: multiple image posts
Post multiple pictures in a single Instagram post.
New LinkedIn API
The new LinkedIn API allows editing comments, liking and deleting posts, and inserting images as comments.
Full de càlcul
Pivots: measures
Edit and add measures in pivot tables. Select the way measure values are displayed in the pivot table. Measures can also be renamed in pivot tables. Pivots can use the same measure multiple times with different aggregators.
Pivots: dimensions
Edit rows' and columns' dimensions when using pivot tables.
Dynamic pivots
Pivot tables are now inserted as dynamic pivots in a spreadsheet, and an option to switch from a dynamic to a static pivot has been added. You can also define the number of columns to display in a dynamic pivot.
Pivot measures and groups
Measures and groups can now be customized on pivot tables.
Pivot creation
Create pivot tables from scratch in a spreadsheet.
Copy/paste pivot table cells
Copy-pasting a cell or a range of cells from a dynamic pivot will now paste the static pivot formula for each copied cell(s).
Pivots: dates
Refer to a date in a pivot formula, regardless of the date format. The date format expected in the formula will be inferred automatically.
Pivots: calculated fields
Create calculated fields. Add extra dynamic measures by adding calculations (i.e., calculation between fields from the pivot, between values located elsewhere in the spreadsheet, or a mix of both). Functions can also be used in those extra measures.
Pivots: increased date granularity
Added day of the week, hour of the day, minutes, and seconds as options for date granularity.
Tables for array formulas
A dynamic table adapts to the formula's output, allowing handling complex datasets.
Noves funcionalitats
The SEQUENCE, INDIRECT, OFFSET, CONVERT, and CELL functions have been added.
PIVOT formula
ODOO.PIVOT formulas are renamed PIVOT.
Vectorization on formulas
It is now possible to use a range of cells in formulas that request a single argument. The returned value will then be an array of cells.
Paste values, preserve format
El format de números ara es conserva quan copies i enganxes valors.
Format de text pla
S'ha afegit el format de text pla.
Remove source spreadsheet when adding to dashboard
The original spreadsheet of a Dashboard is now send to Trash in Documents.
Inserir una selecció de llista
Insert a selection of records from a list to a spreadsheet.
Fonts de dades no utilitzades
Les fonts de dades no utilitzades es marquen en el menú de Dades.
Funció Buscar i Reemplaçar
S'ha afegit una cerca granular en la funció Buscar i Reemplaçar (tots els fulls, full actual o fulls específics).
Data tables
Data tables allow quick sorting, styling, and filtering of data as well as adding new records.
Cell comments and tags
Insert comments and tag someone on cells.
Tables autofill
Adding a formula in a new column autofills the whole column.
Support of partial match in VLOOKUP formulas.
Import/export groups
Groups are now included when importing or exporting data.
Automatic expansion
Multi-cell formulas now adjust range for results.
Enhanced gauges
Improved gauge charts visuals.
Checkbox and dropdown
Insert checkboxes and dropdown lists.
Historial de les versions
Restore a previous version from the version history panel.
Chart customization
Added design features in the chart editor.
New chart types
New chart types have been added (area, combination, horizontal bar, doughnut, population pyramid, scatter, radar, and waterfall).
Diagrames de sectors
Pie charts exclude negative numbers.
Chart data values
Choose to hide or display data values on charts.
Scorecards design and readability
When the baseline description is too long, its font is reduced to fit on one line.
Custom formats detection
When a specific format (date, currency, etc.) is detected it appears on the top bar.
Date formatting: quarter
Dates can be formatted as quarters by using the "more date formats" menu. The quarter recognition has also been improved in pivot tables so that any dates can be used in pivot formulas.
Highlight and hover
Related cells are highlighted when editing or hovering over pivot/list data sources.
Accounting format
The Accounting format has been added.
Conditional formatting: Data bar and formulas
The Data bar conditional rule format has been added. Use a formula as a condition for formatting cells.
Copying data to another spreadsheet
Values can be copied and pasted from one spreadsheet to another (excluding Pivot and List formulas).
Custom table style
Create custom table styles.
Global filters: domain edition
Define a domain to restrict the list of values.
List sorting
Modify the list sorting from the side panel.
Sheet tab colors
Assign colors to sheet tabs.
Spreadsheet quote calculator
Link a spreadsheet template to a quotation template and access your calculator from a sales order. Calculated values in the spreadsheet can overwrite the initial values in the sale order.
Viewing records from charts
A "See records" option is available when right-clicking a data series. The "Link to Odoo menu" has also been removed.
Table resizing
Adjust the size of the table using a button.
Columns in tables
Add columns in tables with Studio's report editor.
Exportació de dades
Export data and demo data with Studio.
Edit buttons
Change the label of buttons in form views with Studio and highlight them as primary or secondary buttons.
Align subscription invoicing periods
Configure recurring plans to align all subscription invoices on the first day of each billing period.
Automate future payments
When customers pay an invoice related to a subscription with a payment method that can be saved, a checkbox offers the ability to automate future payments.
Invoice on delivered quantity
Support invoicing subscription products at the end of the period with an invoicing policy based on delivered quantity.
Payment with non-tokenizable method
It is now possible to pay subscriptions using payment methods and providers that do not support tokenization.
Price update and email sending
Notify customers of price updates or changes to subscription terms and batch edit subscription item prices.
Recurring plan on eCommerce
Customers can select a recurring plan on the ecommerce product page.
Subscription cancellation timing
Define whether a subscription should be closed immediately or at the end of the current period when a customer cancels their subscription from the portal.
Codi QR de la sessió en directe
Apareixerà un codi QR per unir-te a una sessió en directe.
Rewards for quick answers
Improvement of the "rewards for quick answers" option.
Restricció d'accés
Restrict access to sensitive surveys and assign multiple people to manage surveys with the "Restricted to" field.
Scaling question type
Added a new question type: scale.
Accrual expiration date
Add an expiration date on carried-over days off.
Calendar: working hours
Employee availability is displayed according to their working hours.
Duration hours in reporting
Reports are now displayed in days and hours.
Leave approval
Approve a leave directly from the overview screen.
Remove draft state on leave
The draft state has been removed on time off requests.
Remove multi-employee leaves
The way multi-employee leaves and allocations are created and managed has been changed.
Time off policies
Public holidays can now be included/excluded on specific time off types.
Time off type visibility on employee dashboards
Choose if a time off type should appear on employee dashboards.
Warning message
Improvement of the warning to use days before end of an allocation.
Yearly accrual cap
Add a yearly maximum cap on a milestone for an accrual plan.
Fulls d'hores
Grid view: spot missing hours
Quickly identify under-assigned hours in employees' timesheets using the Grid view.
Caps de setmana en la vista de graella
Activa o desactiva la visibilitat dels caps de setmana en la vista de graella.
Lloc web
Blog posts: improved layout
Additional layouts have been added for blog posts.
Plantilles de pàgina personalitzades
Add any of your pages to the new page wizard so they can be used as a template.
Default color palette
The color palette has been updated to reflect current design standards, ensuring a more vibrant and up-to-date appearance.
Document link
Create direct links to documents so you can use them anywhere on your website.
Google Consent Mode v2 and CMP
Cookie management and new Google Consent Mode V2 rules were implemented.
Header layout
Customize the layout of the header for blog, event, and eLearning pages.
Import existing website
Convert any existing website into an Odoo one in just a few clicks, even for existing databases.
Loading design
The website loading design now features smooth transitions and a clean progress indicator.
Pastel palettes
New pastel color palettes are available in the theme section.
Camps de propietat en els formularis del lloc web
Utilitza els camps de propietat en els formularis del teu lloc web.
Shapes animation speed
Customize the animation speed of background shapes.
Snippets library
Added 60+ new snippets to the library. Enhanced the snippet selection by showing actual previews. The discovery system will help users choose the right snippet thanks to a keyword selection. Users can also replace a dropped snippet with another one.
Theme preset: colors gradients
Selecciona els gradients de color per al teu fons en la preselecció de colors.
Theme redesign
Our 27+ themes have been redesigned to use our new snippets and new color palette.
Selecció de temes
The theme selection page has been improved.
Upload custom fonts
Import your own font families to enhance your website.
Video lazy loading
YouTube and Vimeo content are now lazy-loaded to improve the website overall speed.
Creador de llocs web
Choose from the whole theme library when building your website.
Automated notifications
Send WhatsApp messages via server or automated actions.
Centralized chat history
All WhatsApp conversations with a contact can be accessed from the contact's form.