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Ubicació: Second Floor - Hall 2 - 22/8/24 14:30 - 22/8/24 15:00 (US/Eastern) (30 minuts)
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)
Account Executive - Direct Sales a Odoo Inc.
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)
Account Executive - Direct Sales a Odoo Inc.

Grow your business by hiring qualified candidates recommended by outstanding employees With Odoo 

Introduction: This presentation is going to be covering how Odoo can hire candidates recommended by your current employees. I will be walking through the steps to refer your friend to a job position. And seeing how they score through the interview process.

Key Topics:

  1. Share the job position
  2. Gather referral points
  3. Scanning Rewards for bringing in quality candidates
  4. Alerts, Share important information with users

Conclusion: By the end of the discussion our audience will be more informed regarding how Odoo can assist in finding better candidates faster with referrals and grow your business by hiring qualified candidates recommended by outstanding employees.