Custom MRP: Using Odoo's Product Configurator to Pre-define BOMs and Streamline Production
Brittany Bannister (brba)Fet
Subcontracting Services Flow
Brian Herrmann (brhe)Fet
Manufacturing Planning & MPS
Allyssa Garvey (agar)Fet
MRP operations shop floor
Sean Clouden (secl)Fet
What's New in MRP?
Brandon Webber (brwe)Fet
Analytic Accounting in Manufacturing
Matthew Jonas (matj)Fet
What's new in Sales?
Cecilia Mustonen-Kemock (cemk)Fet
PLM use case
Timothy McCormick (timc)Fet
Keynote - Previewing Odoo 18
Nicholas Kosinski (nko)Fet
What's New in CRM?
Morgan Giglio (mogi)Fet
Quality Control Management in MRP
Ubicació: Golden Ballroom
23/8/24 12:30
23/8/24 13:00
(30 minuts)
Abby Pearson (abpe)
Business Systems Analyst
a Odoo Inc.
Abby Pearson (abpe)
Business Systems Analyst
a Odoo Inc.
Through key features such as quality control points, quality checks and quality alerts, Odoo has flexible options that can be tailored to fit your unique industry and within your manufacturing workflow’s needs.
This presentation will take the participants through a sample manufacturing workflow which entails the various types of quality control management features, how they work, when and where they can be utilized and their general function in Odoo.