Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersFet
ERP Implementation in the Cement Sector: Challenges and Success Stories
Girish Joshi / Dipesh SahniFet
Going Beyond Odoo: Business Consulting Beyond the Screen
Megha RughaniFet
Revolutionizing E-Commerce in Nepal: Implementing Odoo for Jeevee
Bibek LamichhaneFet
Modernizing Government Operations: The Role of Odoo ERP
Hirav TrivediFet
The Power of Organic Marketing In Business
Zeeshan Shaikh (SeeKen)Fet
BI Reports with odoo spreadsheet
Kuldeep Joshi (KUJO)Fet
How to setup eCommerce store in 20 Min
Krishna MehtaFet
Website (design, images, domain configuration)
Ravi BhavsarFet
How we run YouTube channel as a small business along with a day job and how Odoo helps us in this
Gaurav & NamrataFet
AR/VR in Industrial Enterprise - Mr. Keyur Bhalavat
Ubicació: Convention Hall 1, Ground Floor , Mahatma Mandir
24/8/24 16:30
24/8/24 17:00
(30 minuts)
Mr. Keyur Bhalavat and Mr. Krunal Soni
Mr. Keyur Bhalavat and Mr. Krunal Soni
Mr. Keyur Bhalavat, Jt. Hon. Secretary & Director GESIA and CEO at Plutomen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Krunal Soni, CEO at Minddeft Technologies Private Limited.