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3-D Matrix Europe SAS
Médical | Odoo v12Principales Odoo Apps : Facturation, Inventaire, CRM, Achats, Ventes
Spin-off du MIT, l'une des universités américaines les plus renommées, le Groupe 3D-Matrix développe et fabrique des biomatériaux innovants avec de nombreuses applications dans le domaine médical. Salut/Social
3MD Pharma Co
Al Karma International Company is one of the fast growing health care suppliers in the Middle East and Gulf Countries, of wide array of the most innovative and latest aesthetic, facial, body and laser medications and technologies in the world.With the fast growing innovations in aesthetic medicine, we venture to deliver to our customers the best products and devices they require.
9solutions Oy
9Solutions on oululainen paikantavien turva- ja viestintäjärjestelmien sekä älykkäiden hoivaratkaisujen toimittaja. Yrityksen päämääränä on olla merkittävässä roolissa terveydenhuollon kustannusten hillitsemisessä vapauttamalla älykkäillä ohjelmistoilla aikaa hoitotyöhön sekä Suomessa että kansainvälisesti. 9Solutions-ratkaisua käyttää lähes 2000 terveydenhuollon organisaatiota sairaaloissa, palvelutaloissa ja kotihoidossa sekä Suomessa että Ruotsissa. 9Solutions etsi verkkokaupparatkaisua, joka auttaisi heitä selkeyttämään ja tehostamaan järjestelmiin liittyvien komponenttien myyntiä. SprintIT toimitti heille jälleenmyyjäkohtaisesti konfiguroitavissa olevan Odoon verkkokaupparatkaisun sekä CRM-järjestelmän. Lue lisää: 9solutions.com9Solutions is the leading provider of indoor location-based safety, communications and smart care solutions. They sell and install patient security systems for hospitals, assisted living and home care. 9Solutions was looking for an e-commerce solution that would help them clarify and improve the sales of system-related components. SprintIT delivered them the Odoo e-commerce solution and a CRM system that can be configured for each retailer. Read more:
Société: AARDEXSECTEUR D'ACTIVITE: Santé/Social Pharmaceutical
DESCRIPTION: Aardex is the world market leader in measuring and managing medication adherence. Managing patient compliance can make the difference between failed and successful clinical trials.We speed up your drug development for pharmaceutical or biotech companies, for university or research centre and for healthcare companies.
Abdelrahman pharmacy is a family run business and as such brings a feeling of warmth and care to all its clients. We are dedicated to provide excellent customer service both in store and online and we pride ourselves on the exceptional quality of products we stock. We hope you enjoy shopping with us both in store and online and look forward to your satisfaction Salut/SocialADLER Instrumentos, S.L.
Adler Instrumentos es una empresa dedicada al asesoramiento y suministro de instrumentación electrónica de medida y ensayos para instalaciones industriales y laboratorios.Fue fundada en 1995 por profesionales con una dilatada experiencia en el campo de la instrumentación electrónica procedente de distintas empresas del sector.
Actualmente cuenta con oficinas en Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastián y Sevilla dando cobertura y atención a todas las necesidades que surjan en cualquier lugar de todo el territorio nacional. Salut/Social
AM PM Pharmacy Sdn. Bhd.
Founded in 2002 in Kulai, Johor, AM PM Pharmacy has blossomed into a thriving business with over 300 employees and 40 stores. And they aren't stopping there! Their goal is to expand their presence across Malaysia and beyond.To make this dream a reality, AM PM Pharmacy needed a reliable ERP system to streamline their data, a robust POS system, and the flexibility to grow and improve their operations internationally. Salut/Social