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3T Research Kft
A 3T Research Kft teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtó szerződéses kutatásszervező (CRO), amely gyógyszer-, biotechnológiai és orvostechnikai eszközöket fejlesztő és gyártó vállalatoknak és más globális CRO-knak kínálja változatos indikációs (leggyakrabban onkológia, szemészet, neurológia, kardiológia és gasztroenterológia) területeken, az I-IV. fázisú és beavatkozással nem járó klinikai kutatásokkal kapcsolatos szolgáltatásai széles körét (pld. projektmenedzsment, engedélyeztetés, hatósági és etikai bizottságokkal kapcsolatos ügyintézés, vizsgálók és vizsgálóhelyek beazonosítása, kiválasztása, betegtoborzás, a klinikai monitorozás, tudományos és orvos-szakértői tevékenység, vizsgálóhelyszín menedzselése, adatkezelés és -tisztítás, gyógyszerbiztonság, -vigilancia, minőségbiztosítás, statisztikai elemzés). EducacióABC Kuwait
ABC offer a targeted program for service-based organizations to integrate autism friendly experiences within their environments. From cinemas to recreational centers to schools, we help you create new experiences that take into account people with autism spectrum disorder and their families, in order to provide a more inclusive environment for families and all your visitors alike.Walnut Software Solutions brought through odoo CRM, Website and Sales apps the best user experience possible for ABC clients and automate the sales and follow-up processes for them.
It is reflected in all Al Salam has achieved in showing care and commitment for over 30 years in Dubai as well as all it strives to achieve in the future. Our transformative journey has redefined the educational framework at the prestigious Al Salam Schools in Dubai, adhering to the esteemed British curriculum.By leveraging the robust capabilities of Odoo ERP for back-office operations, along with EduGate for school management, we have integrated various educational and administrative facets, including academics, healthcare services, library systems, and transport logistics. This synergy has fostered an advanced and enriched learning environment.
The solution automated the following business processes: Click to continue reading
Anti-Racism Movement (ARM)The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers, following a racist incident at one of Beirut’s most well-known private beach resorts (Sporting Club).
ARM activists, using a hidden camera, filmed the administration’s blatant acts of discrimination and segregation. The video quickly spread online, and ARM’s efforts to bring this issue to light were lauded by many. Interest grew in this small volunteer-based movement, members increased, and our projects grew in scope and scale. In 2012, ARM became a registered NGO with full and part-time staff in order to increase its capacity to carry out more projects to fight racist discrimination and abuse in Lebanon.
Building on our philosophy that recognizes the importance of community-building work, ARM created the Migrant Community Centers (MCCs) which grew from one small center in 2011 in Beirut to centers in three major cities by 2016, in addition to a Sunday educational space. Educació
En 2004, Natacha Burtinovic lance l’Atelier des Sens. Son ambition : permettre à des chefs professionnels de partager leur savoir-faire dans un environnement proche du quotidien.Rapidement, les cours se diversifient et gagnent en technicité.
Aujourd’hui l’Atelier des Sens devient Chefsquare. Depuis 16 ans, l’école grandit avec ses chefs et ses élèves. Sa brigade compte désormais plus de 100 toques qui illustrent autant d’approches de la cuisine… Educació
Abu Dhabi School Of Management - Owned By Abu Dhabi Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - Sole proprietor L.L.C.
Industry: Education – UniversityWebsite:
The Abu Dhabi School of Management (ADSM), founded by the Abu Dhabi Chamber, focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship. With the implementation of Odoo ERP, the school has streamlined administrative processes and improved efficiency.
Odoo centralizes tasks like admissions, student records, and finances, optimizing resource allocation. The ERP system enhances communication across departments and provides real-time insights into student performance and faculty activities. Automation has saved time, allowing staff to focus on strategic initiatives.
Additionally, Odoo has strengthened data security and ensured compliance with regulations, supporting ADSM's growth and academic excellence. Educació
Acad Egypt Academy
ACAD Training & Consulting adopted international standards and best practice competency based models as well as the implementation of human resources restructuring philosophy and modern training strategies in order to provide its customers with quality consulting and training services. In a fast developing world, ACAD extends its support to help businesses achieve transformational and paradigm shifting from traditional to competency-based performance and to attain their future strategic goals. In this respect, with our internationally certified experts, we have been awarded a number of international certifications and hence, accredited to design, deliver international training courseware and accordingly issue internationally accredited certifications. We are, therefore, pleased to introduce our customers to the newly developed training plan for the year 2020 comprising a number of diversified modern programs.As a preeminent strategy consultant locally and regionally consultant in various industries, ACAD Training & Consulting is uniquely well-placed to help individuals and organizations build world class workforce. Where an organisation needs to re-focus staff, manage change or to capture commercial opportunities, our ability to define training objectives, design and deliver on-point training, to support implementation, to certify competence and to evaluate training outcomes, makes us the trusted partner of choice for your training needs. We draw on our hand picked team of expert trainers, who are among the most experienced and renowned specialists in their respective fields, to create strategic business solutions that reflect our spirit of excellence. You can choose the learning solution, which best suits your schedule, team, learning style and budget. Educació
Action Innocence
Fondation privée reconnue d’utilité publique créée à Genève en 1999 par Valérie Wertheimer, elle a pour mission de préserver l’intégrité et la dignité des enfants et des adolescents dans leur pratique du numérique et des nouvelles technologies de l’information. Elle a également pour vocation d’aider les parents dans l’accompagnement qu’ils proposent à leurs enfants.Ce projet nous tenait particulièrement à cœur puisqu’il est question de l’humain dans toute sa fragilité et que nous sommes tous concernés. Grâce à Odoo, la fondation peut gérer ses dons et les projets qui en découlent à travers de la comptabilité analytique.
Adarsha Publication is a prominent name in Bangladesh’s publishing industry, known for its dedication to quality and intellectual growth. With a diverse catalog spanning fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and children’s literature, Adarsha provides a platform for both emerging and established writers. Its high standards in editing, design, and production have made it a trusted choice for authors and readers alike.Committed to fostering a culture of reading and knowledge-sharing, Adarsha actively participates in book fairs and literary events, connecting readers with fresh perspectives. By focusing on social and cultural themes, it promotes critical thought and amplifies influential voices. Adarsha continues to shape Bangladesh’s literary landscape with innovation and excellence. Adarsha is using Odoo to manage end to end needs of its enterprise including website, accounts & finance, inventory, point of sale, author loyalty and production management. Educació
Advance Curriculum for Education Company
Advanced Curriculum for Education (ACE) is a company based in Saudi Arabia that focuses on providing educational services and solutions. They specialize in developing and implementing advanced curricula tailored to meet the needs of educational institutions. Their offerings often include curriculum design, teacher training, and educational consultancy, aimed at enhancing the quality of education and supporting schools in delivering effective teaching and learning experiences. ACE may work with various stakeholders, including schools, educational authorities, and other organizations, to improve educational outcomes and ensure that curricula align with both local and international standards.Educació
Situés à Larmor-Plage (56), vers Quimper, nous proposons aux particuliers et aux professionnels des formations et accompagnements de projets d’autonomie énergétique dans le bâtiment.Nous utilisons Odoo pour gérer notre relation client, notamment avec l'application CRM, mais également pour gérer notre comptabilité, nos ventes et nos achats, notre évènementiel, nos formations, notre site web ainsi que nos ressources humaines.
Aunéor Conseil nous accompagne avec des prestations d'audit, de projet ainsi que d'hébergement. Educació
Aisha Quran Academy
أكاديمية عائشة للقرآن هي أكاديمية عبر الإنترنت تهدف إلى تسهيل حصول غير الناطقين بها على تعليم القرآن الكريم وتعليم اللغة العربية على أيدي مدرسين مؤهلين محليين تخرجوا من جامعة الأزهر في مصر، حيث أنه ليس من السهل الحصول عليها من حولهم مع بنفس الجودة، ولتسهيل الأمر من خلال تلقي دروسك من منزلك أو مكتبك أو في أي مكان تريده، كان نشر التعليم القرآني والإسلامي، وتربية أطفالنا على أخلاق الإسلام الحميدة هدفنا دائمًا.Aisha Quran Academy is an online academy that aims to make it easier for non-native speakers to get Quran and Arabic education from native Qualified tutors who graduated from Al-Azhar university in Egypt, as it’s not easy to get it from around them with the same quality, and to make it easier through taking your classes from your home, your office, or anywhere you want, spreading Quranic and Islamic education, and raising our kids on the good manners of Islam has been always our goal. Educació