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Subcontracting Services Flow
Manufacturing MRP Day
الموقع: Golden Ballroom - 23‏/8‏/2024, 11:00 ص - 23‏/8‏/2024, 11:30 ص (US/Eastern) (30 دقيقة)
Subcontracting Services Flow
Brian Herrmann (brhe)
Business Systems Analyst في Odoo Inc.
Brian Herrmann (brhe)
Business Systems Analyst في Odoo Inc.

A complete workflow of Odoo’s subcontracting services using manufacturing, purchase,

sales, and inventory. This demonstration provides insightful tips on how Odoo is able to handle

subcontracting workflows by using the power of integrated modules. Experience the ease of

accomplishing your workflows without sacrificing traceability, and while increasing capacity.