Events Organization
Zachary Anderson (zaan)منتهي
There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian Jacksonمنتهي
Time-Off Management
Lara Star Martini (larm)منتهي
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)منتهي
Performance Optimization
Lars Gartenberg (laga)منتهي
Efficiently Managing the Repair Process with Odoo
Tyler Jones (tyjo)منتهي
User Training and Adoption Strategies for Odoo
Hannah Lippincott (hali)منتهي
Better than React: Why We Built Our Own UI Library
Samuel Degueldre (sad)منتهي
Simplify scheduling with Odoo Planning
Catherine Urquhart (caur)منتهي
Why Kiosk Group Chose Odoo 17 Over NetSuite
Cecilie Barretoمنتهي
Odoo Upgrades: Large Scale Enterprise Database Migration
الموقع: Second Floor - Hall 2
23/8/2024, 12:00 م
23/8/2024, 12:30 م
(30 دقيقة)
Rajat Gupta
Business Development Manager
في KSolves
Rajat Gupta
Business Development Manager
في KSolves