Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien Pinckaersمنتهي
Accounting: Simplifying Reconciliation with Odoo
Naitik Kansaraمنتهي
Solutions for Make-to-Order Manufacturing Process
Devin Mewadaمنتهي
Accounting : Multi company/Multi branches
CA. Vidhi Agrawalمنتهي
Smartclass - Advanced India Accounting
Ajaykumar Jobanputraمنتهي
Setup Company and start the operations
Jayeshkumar Sengundharمنتهي
Advanced Financial Reporting
CA Pinak Gajjarمنتهي
MRP Operations Shop Floor
Heena Guptaمنتهي
What's new in MRP?
Tarak Hiren Gorمنتهي
Accounting AMA with Expert
Ajaykumar Jobanputra & Jigar Vaghelaمنتهي
Analytic Accounting in Manufacturing
الموقع: Seminar Hall 3, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir
24/8/2024, 11:00 ص
24/8/2024, 11:30 ص
(30 دقيقة)
Himal Solanki (hiso)
Implementation Consultant
في Odoo India
Himal Solanki (hiso)
Implementation Consultant
في Odoo India
Himal Solanki is an experienced Implementation Consultant at Odoo's India office. He leads projects across diverse industries, focusing on streamlining business processes and delivering customized Odoo solutions to enhance operational efficiency. He has contributed to over 55 Pre-sale tickets, turning customer requirements into successful projects. As a GAP Analysis Expert, Himal excels in understanding complex project requirements, providing solutions based on customer needs, and converting ROI projects into successful implementation projects.