Myanmar Barcode Association Inc.

Myanmar Barcode Association Inc.

Myanmar Barcode Association
With our tagline "The Global Language of Business", we are here to help:
● our members to implement supply chain global standards
● local enterprises to have more efficient, visible and safer supply chains
● promote the use of standards-based solutions to bring service excellence

About us:
● founded by the UMFCCI(Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry), MIA (Myanmar Industrial Association), MMRA(Myanmar Retailer Association), & MFPEA (Myanmar food Processors and Exporters Association)
● a not-for-profit organization
● headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, with over 110 national chapters in 150 countries
● support over 7000+ corporate members
● serve all pillar industries in Myanmar, including retail, logistics, food & wine, healthcare, apparel, etc.